XRD machine Problem 1/20/2010 fixed on 1/29/2010

Hi, XRD users,

 A X-ray diffractometer problem occurred this morning. After a brief check, I found that the problem might be associated with the X-ray generating system. I will talk with a service engineer to diagnose the reasons for the XRD problem  tomorrow. The XRD machine will be down till it is fixed. I will add comments to this news to keep you posted as the XRD status changes.

Jian-Guo Zheng

4 Replies to “XRD machine Problem 1/20/2010 fixed on 1/29/2010”

  1. XRD machine has been fixed today. Everything is normal during the test. You may use it now.

  2. A suitable fan is pulled out from a service kit. It will arrive at UCI tomorrow. Further test will be carried out soon after the new fans are installed. More news is coming tomorow.

  3. One fan will arrive at UCI on Monday, but the other fan had to be backordered and it would be approximately 3 weeks. We are contacting local stores and other vendors for an alternative fan.

  4. After trouble shooting, fans in X-ray generator were found bad. An order for new fans has been placed today. Further test will be done soon after the fans arrive. Please keep checking the comments for the latest status of the XRD machine in MC2.

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