6 Replies to “EDS on quanta 3D SEM down on July 18 and up on 10/7/2013”

  1. The detector was fixed and shipped back on 10/3/2013 and installed on 10/7/2013. The Oxford engineer tested the performance of the detector. Everything was reported OK.

  2. Oxford Engineer finally came on 9/4/2013 to take the EDS detector and ship it to its factory for repair. I expected to receive an update in 3-4 weeks, but I have not got anything yet. I will check with Oxford service department tomorrow and contact its national sals person as well.

  3. The PO was issued on 8/16/2013. The on-site service was scheduled for 8/26 and postponed to 8/29.

  4. I received a quote on Aug 5 and got a PO request for the repair approved internally by Aug 12. Calit2 submitted the PO to UCI purchase office. Waiting for the PO.

  5. I finally got an update from Oxford engineer after sending an email to Oxford sale manager. FEI engineer believes that the window was broken and the detector needs repairing in Oxford factory. This will cost a lot of money and time. The window could be broken when users opening the door too quickly or too roughly. Please gently open the open and control it well when you change sample in future. Now I am waiting for an repair quote.

  6. In a last a couple of days, I communicated with Oxford engineer to figure out what went wrong. I will be doing this till the engineer gives me new direction.

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