Nanoscience Inc presentation and demos

Dear LEXI users,

You are invited to attend a presentation of easy-to-use instruments for micro- to nanoscale materials visualization & characterization.  The event will take place on Monday, August 18 at 1:00 pm in the Calit2 Building, Room 3008.  Seating is limited, so please sign up in advance by using the link: Following the presentation, instrument demonstrations and refreshments will be offered until 6:00 pm.  If you have a sample that you wish to have analyzed, you may be invited to take part in one-on-one time during the remainder of the week.  Time slots are limited, so please indicate in the above link that you are interested in the one-on-one session. You will be contacted later. There will be three instruments on site. Here is their information copied from Nanoscience Instruments document: “Phenom Desktop Scanning Electron Microscope The world’s best desktop SEM provides unmatched image clarity and resolution. The Phenom SEM is fast & easy to use. It is the only vibration insensitive SEM. Advanced capabilities include elemental analysis (EDS/EDX), elemental mapping, 3D surface roughness reconstruction and fiber/pore/particle analysis.  For biological or wet samples, a temperature control sample holder, based on the Peltier principle, is also available. Zeta 3D Optical Profiler An innovative 3D optical profiling system for fast, non-contact, true-color imaging and quantitative analysis. High aspect ratio features, high roughness surfaces, and high and low reflectivity samples can be measured. Advanced features include reflectometry, interferometry and automated mapping & defect analysis. Atomic Force Microscopes Our AFMs are easy to use and include a variety of imaging modes. The FlexAFM and new C3000 controller excel at imaging in air and liquid and feature a scanner that is linear, flat and fast. Check out our new traxAFM, a portable all-in-one AFM. Micromechanical Testers & Manipulators Micro/nano-mechanical testing & manipulation tools are employed for diverse applications in both air and vacuum, e.g. MEMS testing, force sensing, compression & tensile testing, pick and place operations, electrical probing, and more. For additional product and application information, please see: “

Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Dr. Jian-Guo Zheng

Instrumentation Overview: Monday, August 18th, 1:00 2:00 pm in Room #3008, Followed by demonstrations in Room #3414

Have Your Samples Analyzed: Tues, Aug. 19 Thurs, Aug. 21, Preregistration Is required. Please contact us to reserve your time slot.

RSVP to Joe Grech,


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