LIMS source of Tescan GAIA3 has run out. So FIB is down now, but you may still use its SEM function.
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Current news from IMRI facilities
LIMS source of Tescan GAIA3 has run out. So FIB is down now, but you may still use its SEM function.
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The Ga LMIS was replaced yesterday. The FIB is up this afternoon.
Ga LIMS source was on a back order. After contacting several Tescan people, it is finally confirmed that will arrive at UCI on 2/6/2020. Tescan engineer will be on site to replace the Ga LIMS on 2/10/2020. Hopefully, the FIB will be fully functional next week
Ga LIMS source has been ordered and a service call placed. Waiting for parts and service schedule