Griffin Lentsch, Manuel Valdebran, Ronald M. Harris, Ronald J. Barr, Janellen Smith, Kenneth Linden, Patrick Lee, Karsten König, Bruce J. Tromberg, Anand K. Ganesan, Christopher B. Zachary, Kristen M. Kelly, and Mihaela Balu, “Recent advances in multiphoton microscopy for clinical skin imaging” in Proceedings Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences Congress 2019, paper NM2.C1
Balu M, G. Lentsch, J. N. Williams, I. Saknite, K. Koenig, A. Ganesan, and B. J. Tromberg, “In vivo multiphoton microscopy imaging of pigmentary skin disorders,” in Optics in the Life Sciences Congress, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper OmM3D.3.
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Balu M; Kelly KM ; Zachary CB ; Harris RM ; Krasieva TB ; König K ; Tromberg BJ; Clinical studies of pigmented lesions in human skin by using a multiphoton tomograph Proc. SPIE 8588, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XIII, 858812 2013
Krasieva TB, Stringari C, Liu F, Sun CH, Kong Y, Balu M, Meyskens FL, Gratton E, Tromberg BJ. Two-photon excited fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging of melanin in-vitro and in-vivo SPIE 8226, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XII, 82262S-82262S-7 2010
Balu M, Liu G, Chen Z, Tromberg BJ, Potma EO. Scheme for efficient fiber-based CARS probe. Proc. SPIE 7569, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences X, 75693A 2010