Art in Science: Deadline extended to 18th November

Photonics@UCI presents

7th Art in Science contest

We encourage all UCI affiliates, in all disciplines, to present their work as beautiful pieces of art. Submit your work hereSubmission deadline has been extended to Tuesday, November 18th, 2014. Check the submission guidelines here and examples of previous editions here.
A jury formed by OSA affiliated professors will judge the entires on an event that will take place on Thursday, November 20th, 2014 at 6:15pm, where snacks and drinks will be served.
This year we are going online! We collaborate with Kaleri for a virtual exhibit that you will be able to enjoy for longer time and to share with all your friends. Additionally, Kaleri is sponsoring a special $50 People’s Choice Award for the most tweeted artwork containing the hashtag #ais7. So get the Kaleri App (Android and iOS) and vote for your favorite piece!
In case of any question, please contact Rupsa at
Let the contest begin!
photonics@UCI team