
Pranav Premnath


premnatp [at] uci [dot] edu

Jake Rudolph

Admin Support Coordinator

PACE Representative

jirudolp [at] uci [dot] edu

Michaela Bacani


Condensed Matter Floor Representative

michaegb [at] uci [dot] edu

Tyler Smith

Outreach Coordinator

tylerbs [at] uci [dot] edu

Fernando Eizaguirre

Plasma Physics Floor Representative

feizagui [at] uci [dot] edu

Cameron Moffett-Smith

Particle Physics Floor Representative

cmmoffet [at] uci [dot] edu

Eric Rumsfeld

Astrophysics Floor Representative

erumsfel [at] uci [dot] edu

Andy Skivington

Social Events Chair

askiving [at] uci [dot] edu

Setayesh Nekarae

Diversity Chair

setayesn [at] uci [dot] edu

DaVante Cain

TA Representative

davantec [at] uci [dot] edu

Andrew Dai

TA Representative Shadow

haozhd2 [at] uci [dot] edu

Izzie Catanzaro

AGS Representative

icatanza [dot] edu

Claire Rogers

UNITY Representative

clairjr1 [at] uci [dot] edu

Rafael Umeda

Union Representative

rumeda [at] uci [dot] edu

Helena Garcia

DECADE Representative

garciaeh [at] uci [dot] edu

Wanna Become a PGC Officer?!

You can! PGC is open to filling any vacant officer positions at any time of the year. You can find a chart of established PGC officer positions here.

Furthermore, PGC is open to creating brand new officer positions for UCI Physics and Astronomy graduate students that would like to use PGC resources for new initiatives that align with PGC values and goals.

For PGC members that would like to fill existing, occupied officer positions in the coming academic year, PGC holds annual elections every Spring Quarter. You can find our Elections info page HERE

Email the PGC at (physicsgraduatecaucus [at] gmail [dot] com) if you have any questions or concerns.

Remembering Past Officers

We thank all past officers of the Physics Graduate Caucus. Thank you for improving the experiences of Physics and Astronomy graduate students at UCI!

Past PGC Officer Cabinets