New Drawing Blog

by | Sep 10, 2013 | Personal | 1 comment

“We all have 10,000 bad drawings in us, the sooner we get them out the better.”

– Walt Stanchfield

I love to draw. I always have. However, when I haven’t drawn in a while I get performance anxiety and don’t want to draw anything poorly. I love the quote by Walt Stanchfield because it gives me permission to be bad. Knowing that I can and will draw badly makes me lose the fear of picking up a pencil or a stylus and just having fun.

Here is my new drawing blog. It’s actually a group blog, but I’ve only been able to get my husband, Dave, to join. Hopefully, someday others will join to and we can all work on getting our 10,0000 bad drawings out of the way.

TAGS » art | drawing

1 Comment

  1. Hey Sylvia,
    I really like to draw, as well! I’m just getting back into it, now that I have children and we’re drawing all the time. Since I was a bit rusty, I tried to find some helpful online video lessons that I could use to use to improve my drawing skills. When I couldn’t find one that I really liked, I created my own. Although I’m not really afraid of drawing something poorly, I am striving personally to be the best “artist” I can. I figured other people might feel the same way, so I just started a drawing blog;, where I’m posting video drawing lessons for all the things that I’ve been working on lately. You should check it out, if you get a chance. Good luck!