I read an article recently about how important curiosity is for career growth. Not only is it good for your career but it keeps life interesting.
When I don’t know why something isn’t working, I can’t stop thinking about it until I figure out why. It gnaws at me until I have a solution.
Children start out always asking “why”. We are born with an innate curiosity that many lose as we age. Maybe it’s because it’s drilled out of us in school? Maybe life’s hardships dull the curious mind?
However, when we stop learning, when we stop asking why, we stop living. It then becomes too easy to latch on to any simple answer that is fed to us even if it makes no sense. Conspiracy theories flourish in an incurious mind.
Being curious has helped me in my career not only in advancement but in job satisfaction. It makes me a decent troubleshooter. I’m good at analyzing what is different to find solutions to tricky problems. I ask a lot of questions.
So stay curious. It will likely help you in your career, keep your mind young, and make your life full of wonder.