
The OIT Student Success Technologies team, in partnership with COMPASS Teaching & Learning Analytics, has created two dashboards for use in gaining deeper insights into student appointments scheduled in UCI Appointments

What is it?

Displays a list of all students an advisor or other user has met with, filterable by office, master calendar, calendar, date ranges, and appointment status


Available to all users of the UCI Appointments system who are employees. If you need access and don’t have it, please contact us.

How to access

Make sure to connect to the UCI VPN using the AnyConnect client first.

What is it?

Provides insights into the demographics of students served by offices, filterable by master calendar and date range.


Available to all users listed as “Managers” in the UCI Appointments system who are employees. If you need access and don’t have it, please contact us.

How to access

Make sure to connect to the UCI VPN using the AnyConnect client first.