Creating a Manual (Custom) Access List

In addition to offering access list criteria based on categories of students (i.e., International status), Appointments also offers the option to make manual access lists to restrict self-booking with your office to specific students. These students can be added to the manual list in bulk by file or individually by searching. Manual access lists can be combined with other access lists (i.e., allow access to all Math majors + these 10 students). To create a manual access list:

  1. Under the Setup & Settings tab, go to the Access Lists subtab.
  2. Click on the “New” button on the right side.
  3. Enter the appropriate information, and make sure that Member Source List is set to Manual.
    • “Threshold” is the percentage of appointments that must be full before showing more than the minimum number of visible days.Add an Access List modal
  4. After clicking Save, click on the “0 members” for that list or find the list on the Management>Access List Members page.
  5. Click on the “Bulk Operations” button in the upper right.
  6. Select “Add list of members” for the action, add the file, and click Save.
  7. The list should be populated with your custom list of students. You can also use the “Bulk Operations” button to clear the list, remove students listed in another file from this list, and more. Or you can add and remove individual students from the manual list.