Uploading Access List Member Files

Appointments allows you to upload a list of clients to a manually configured access list, so that you can add a large number of clients quickly.

Before getting started, please verify that your upload file conforms to these requirements:

  • The supplied file must be saved in .csv (comma separated value) format. It should not be an .xls or .xlsx Excel file.
  • The file should include a list of either Student IDs or UCInetIDs to add, one ID per line in the file.
  • The file must contain a column header of either “Student ID” or “Login ID”. Spacing and upper versus lower case do not matter, so “StudentID”, “STUDENT ID”, and “student id” are all valid.
    • If UCInetID is used, the column header should be “Login ID” instead of “UCInetID”. 

Some examples follow:

Student ID
Login ID
Student ID, Login ID

If your file looks correct according to these requirements and you still have a problem uploading the list, you might have a whitespace issue. You can check by opening your file in Notepad or some other plain text editor. If you see any extra commas or other strange formatting, you can edit the file to remove it. An easy way to remove extra blank columns is to highlight them in Excel, press the delete key (you won’t see a difference since they only contain whitespace), and save the file. To check that the columns have been removed, open the file in Notepad again.