Results for Reading Comprehension
Routines for scaffolding comprehension of complex texts
About Results for Reading Comprehension
RRC (Results for Reading Comprehension) shines a spotlight on effective reading comprehension instruction through the lens of an assets-based pedagogy.
In this institute we will focus on the central role that reading comprehension plays in developing academic literacy by guiding teachers in creatively thinking about and choosing appropriate strategies and scaffolds for comprehension of challenging texts.

What you will learn
- Instructional strategies and routines to help all students better comprehend complex texts, with an emphasis on those students historically underserved by California schools.
- Comprehensive literacy framework that identifies the specific factors that affect overall literacy and oracy, with an emphasis on applying these factors to effective reading comprehension instruction and intervention.
- Motivational and engagement strategies that help students to successfully and independently comprehend complex text in all content areas.
- Strategies for differentiation to facilitate comprehension of core content texts for multilingual learners across levels of English language proficiency (Integrated ELD).
Program highlights
- Instruction from current classroom teachers who are past participants of the Results program.
- Opportunities to role-play instructional routines.
- On-site classroom coaching to support integration of routines.
- Personalized assistance for reading specialists and educational support teams.
- Reflection on educators’ own personal experiences as lifetime learners of language and literacy in order to ground our teaching in a learner-centered, asset-oriented, and inclusive-minded stance.
Is Results for Reading Comprehension for me?
The RCC program can help any educator deepen their skills in reading comprehension instruction. RCC is particularly beneficial for teachers who are working to:
- Accelerate student achievement in reading comprehension
- Augment their Title I plan
- Support English language learners
Collaborate with CRLP
Learn more about how CRLP can partner with your school or district to bring high level professional development opportunities to your educators.