Spanish-English Biliteracy Transfer, 2nd Edition (SEBT)
Teaching Spanish and English foundational skills in tandem by harnessing the power of cross-linguistic transfer
About Spanish-English Biliteracy Transfer, 2nd Edition (SEBT)
Spanish-English Biliteracy Transfer (SEBT) is a carefully designed multi-day program that equips biliteracy teachers with the skills needed to successfully introduce English into their classrooms.
Drawing on the most current research in Spanish-English reading development, we offer a developmental sequence for simultaneously teaching Spanish and English foundational reading skills. Participants are guided through a comprehensive collection of assessments in both languages, a scope and sequence of when to introduce English foundational reading skills, as well as lesson templates for effective transfer instruction. SEBT institutes are taught by current biliteracy teachers who have demonstrated success in Spanish-English instructional contexts and have been trained in the SEBT approach to bi-literacy.

What you will learn
- The most current research around biliteracy reading acquisition.
- How to teach English literacy by harnessing students’ Spanish language arts knowledge.
- How to lesson plan using the SEBT developmental sequence.
- Which literacy assessments in both languages are needed to plan Spanish/English reading interventions.
Program highlights
- Instruction from current classroom teachers who are past participants and current practitioners of SEBT instruction.
- Opportunities to role-play lesson delivery and assessment administration.
- Personalized assistance for biliteracy reading specialists, ELD specialists, and educational support teams.
Is Spanish-English Biliteracy Transfer, 2nd Edition (SEBT) for me?
Spanish-English Biliteracy Transfer (SEBT) will help any educator in biliteracy settings become more effective in accelerating their students’ reading proficiency. SEBT is particularly beneficial for teachers, schools, and districts who are working to:
- Onboard teachers who are either new or returning to teaching in a biliteracy setting
- Strategically plan a scope and sequence for Spanish and English Reading Foundational skills instruction
- Accelerate their Spanish speakers’ English Reading Foundational skills proficiency
- Strategically target Spanish Learners’ needs
- Augment their Title I and Title III plans
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