Teacher Leadership Invitational Institute
Building Leadership Capacity with CRLP and Beyond.
Teachers as Learners, Teachers as Leaders
The purpose of the CRLP Leadership Invitational Institute is to build the leadership capacity of both the district partnership and the CRLP UC Irvine regional site.
Teachers who serve as members of the leadership team engage in monthly collaboration focused on language and literacy. Teacher leaders engage in professional inquiry and build leadership skills while informing the work of our local project and our CRLP statewide network. As lifelong learners, CRLP teacher leaders work to deepen their professional knowledge as they improve literacy instruction for their students.
To be considered for membership in our Teacher Leadership group, prospective teachers are required to fill out an application, which is provided by direct invitation or through referral. Currently, we are at maximum capacity; however, if you are interested in learning more about becoming a teacher leader in the future, please contact us at ucicrlp@uci.edu.

CRLP Teacher Leader Benefits
- Build community and a sense of belonging with other educational leaders who are passionate and curious about advancing the success of all students, particularly multilingual and English language learner students
- Become familiar with the CDE’s “Improving Education for Multilingual and English Language Learners”
- Notice and name instructional / facilitative moves to activate engagement for all learners
- Share ideas on improving Integrated/Designated ELD instruction with like-minded educators.
Who are our CRLP Teacher Leaders?
- PreK-12 classroom teachers (English and Bilingual)
- Literacy Coaches and Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs)
- District and School Site Administrators
- Retired Educators
“I feel uplifted when I am surrounded by my fellow CRLP members. In a new position this year, filled with so much “new”- which often feels unstable- being in this safe space actually recalibrates me, and reminds me why I made the change to move into my new position. It is SO rewarding to know that this network is my PLC. I appreciate it immensely.”
Collaborate with CRLP
Learn more about how CRLP can partner with your school or district to bring high level professional development opportunities to your educators.