Take a look at what’s new in Recruit!
Recordings of demos (password protected)
Release notes (with highlights)
- 2025-01-08: Leaf Green: A new filter was added to the recruitment grid, enabling users to filter by “Analyst created applications”. Additionally, we’ve added two new columns: “Analyst created applications” and “Analyst created applications ratio”. When Leaf Green launches, applicants will be required to complete the demographic survey before submitting an application. When an admin grants an exception to an application created by an analyst, the “Resend activation email” modal will provide the analyst with the option to direct the applicant to their “Full portfolio” or “Temporary survey access”. Recruitments: We’ve created a new “Other approvals” block that can be added to any Approval PDF template. For pool recruitments, completing a batch round will now snapshot the status for every application in that round.
- 2024-12-11 Leaf Green: We’ve removed the Demographic survey-only recruitment feature from the “Create a new recruitment plan” modal. New Recruitments will only accept online applications going forward. Now, applicants will now have the option to edit their demographic survey answers until they submit their applications. Recruitments: When attempting to copy a recruitment from the Recruitment grid, the “Source recruitment” field was updated to include additional search criteria that can be used to help clarify the search results.
- 2024-11-27 Candidate Compass: “Recommend for interview” and “Interviewed” statuses were updated to “Recommended for interview” and “Interview completed” along with the corresponding withdrawn statuses. Once we completed adding all of the withdrawal statuses, we went back to update the status numbering in the database so that we can easily manage adding new statuses in the future. Leaf Green: We’ve started development on the Leaf Green project that will require the demographic survey from applicants before they submit their application. To reduce friction for the applicant once the requirement is in effect, we now allow applicants to view their completed survey responses. Applicant-initiated applications will no longer refer to surveys as “submitted” by an applicant. Instead, surveys will now be “saved” or “completed.” Recruitments: The mailing address field was removed from new recruitments. If a bulk download request fails an email notification will now be sent to notify the requestor explaining that the request failed.
- 2024-11-13 Candidate Compass: When an applicant or analyst withdraws an application, it will now reflect the withdrawn status associated with the original status. Analysts and administrators can now update a withdrawal status through the Status modal. We will show the current withdrawal status and provide the analyst with a “Show all available statuses” link to see all future withdrawn status options. The “Campus declined to make offer” will now be available on the status modal when an application is set to “Soft offer extended” and onward. The demographics table on both the Diversity page and on the PDF reports will now include a new row that provides “Preliminary interview” data. Recruitments: When an admin is requested to suppress a disposition reason as an option for future use and it has been applied to an applicant, we will now keep a record of the disposition reason for that applicant. The warning message that appears when creating a new round for Do not carry over recruitments has been updated to include additional statuses that will be reset. The reasonable accommodation language for applicants with disabilities has been updated on the applicant’s file tab for an application and on the Accessibility page. Correction: we will not be releasing the changes to these two statuses at this time: “Recommended for interview” and “Interview completed”. They will go out in the next sprint release.
- 2024-10-30 Candidate Compass: The “Withdrawn” option will no longer be available on the Status modal for applications set to the “Soft offer extended”. When an analyst withdraws an application on behalf of the applicant, we will automatically include a disposition reason. When a user hovers over an application status, they will see a status description pop up. This has been updated to also indicate which reports are associated with that status. Based on campus feedback in our last demo, we’ve updated the description for the “Serious consideration” status so that it will now display as “Applicant considered for advancement”. Recruitments: Pool recruitment filters and sorting tools have been added on the All Applications grid so that more pool recruitment information is available to users. Analysts will now be able to delete waivers and exemptions before a final decision has been made. We have now aggregated the comparators for all of the campuses, which can provide a lot more data when examining application demographics.
- 2024-10-16 Kickboard: We’ve restricted the ability to reconfigure the Batch round configuration, to ensure campuses prepare for any changes. Candidate Compass: Two new statuses were added for initial interviews: Recommended for preliminary interview and Preliminary interview completed. Analysts will now see the “Withdrawn” status available when applications are set to the “Permanently deselected” status. We’ve also added a new “Declined after accepted offer” status. Recruitments: The workspace filters and columns were updated on the Recruitments grid to include a new Batch round column, as well as columns for every status with a link to the applications, and a filter for multi-level recruitments.
- 2024-10-02 Kickboard: For campuses set to “do not carry over” evaluations, we will no longer reset applicant statuses granted before the first batch round is created. Additionally, for campuses set to “do not carry over” evaluations, we will now prevent application status changes between the completion of a batch round and the creation of the new round. On the Disposition tab, we will now display applicants who are not in a batch round. After the creation of a pool recruitment, we will now attribute the “carry over/do not carry over” setting at the recruitment level. This means that even if a campus decides to change whether or not evaluations are carried over, any recruitment already in flight will remain unchanged. Recruitments: A new search firm field was added to the search plan to inform approvers that search firms are being used in a recruitment.
- 2024-09-18 Kickboard: Analysts will now be restricted from using a review window earlier than the last batch round used when they create a new batch round. Analysts can expand a current batch round to the next review date if a proposed candidate is not identified during that round. When a new round is created using the same review date as the previous round, the bulk disposition button on the “Assign disposition reason” page will be disabled for carried over evaluations. The “View applications” link on the Batch round grid will direct the user to the Applicants grid and will filter it to show only applications that are in the selected batch round’s review window. Analysts will only be able to add or edit the “Disposition reasons” section on the Applicant’s review page for a current round. If an administrator grants an exception to an application submitted after the most recent review window, Recruit will now place that applicant into the appropriate batch round. To dissuade analysts from overusing the Permanently Deselected status, we added new descriptor text to the Permanently Deselected status to better inform them of its proper usage. Search reports are now restricted to using the current batch round. In order to help approvers know what they are approving, we have added the batch round name to the “About” block on all pool recruitment search reports. We’ve added a warning when any additional review date is more than 30 days after the most recent review date to remind the analysts not to set the additional review dates too far into the future. API Documentation: We updated the Recruitment Data API with the newly added pool recruitment fields.
- 2024-09-04 Kickboard: A new column has been added to the Applicant grid labeled “All Evaluations” and the backend process was updated on when to pull people into the current batch round so it is consistent. This way applications are not added to batch rounds when they don’t belong. Recruitments: When a new recruitment is created, the job location field will now default to your campus location.
- 2024-08-21 (Release delayed. Scheduled to go out next Sprint on September 5th) Kickboard: The “Pool recruitment?” field was locked down so when the Search plan is approved, the JPF will remain set as either a pool or non-pool recruitment. The default sort on the Batch round grid had been updated to default to “Created on.” The Disposition reason panel has been updated to show applicants grouped by batch round. We’ve removed the previous round column and the campus default override option on the Disposition reasons grid. This is a simpler view that avoids the confusion and clutter of the prior design, and aligns it with the campus default layout. The Applicant review page will now display disposition reasons for each batch round the applicant was evaluated in. After creation of a new batch round, we will log when evaluations are retained or reset. Also when a new batch round is created, applications with “Permanently deselected” status will not be included in the new round. Recruitments: The “About text” section in the Recruitment configuration admin tool has been updated to include two new sections so a campus administrator can include additional text for Senate and Non-senate titles. We’ve cleaned up recruitments to remove whitespaces in the job location field, which will make it easier for advertising sites to properly list the job’s location.
- 2024-08-07 Kickboard: Analysts can now create a batch round with a previously used review window. Each batch round will be automatically numbered, which will be appended to the name. A new “Search report” column has been added to the Batch round grid that will display the name of the report and can be downloaded. The link to the batch round name has been removed for users who do not have permissions to edit a batch round. The “Create a search report” modal has been updated to allow analysts to select a batch round from the drop down menu for pool recruitments. The label on the menu was changed to “Include applicants in batch round,” and said menu will default to the current active batch round. A new “Batch round” filter will now be available on the Applicants grid. Recruitments: At the request of UCOP, we’ve added new title codes and titles to Recruit.
- 2024-07-24 Kickboard: The “Add new batch round” popup now displays a checklist of preconditions that must be met before a new round can be created. If the batch round configuration is set to not retain disposition reasons, we will show a message informing analysts that creating a new batch round will revert application statuses to “Applied” if there is already an existing batch round. The “View applications” link on the Batch round grid was updated to show the entire pool associated with the review date and batch round, and will include all statuses except “Permanently deselected” on the Applicants grid. The Batch round configuration admin tool was enhanced with detailed explanations to ensure campus administrators clearly understand the difference between these two options. “Permanently deselected” disposition reason was removed as it was insufficiently descriptive. Copying existing recruitments will now include the selection for “Pool recruitments?” and appear under Position details. We’ve built the foundation for batch rounds on the Disposition page. We are still working on the design for this page so we will share additional changes in a future sprint. Admin: We’ve created two new blocks for “Planned search & recruitment efforts” and “Actual search & recruitment efforts” to allow admins more granular control over which fields appear on which approval PDFs. The Roles admin tool, which displays technical permissions associated with each user role, has been updated to now display user-friendly human-readable explanations for each permission.
- 2024-07-10 Kickboard: We’ve built the foundation for batch rounds in recruitments by moving the disposition reasons including comments to batch rounds. For non-pool recruitments, there will be no visible changes so it will continue to work as it does now. A batch round will now be marked complete upon approval of a search report that is associated with the batch round. On the Recruitment configuration admin tool, we added a new Batch round configuration section for Pool recruitments. Also when applicant statuses are configured to reset upon new batch round creation, the disposition reason from the prior round will not carry into the new batch round. Accessibility: We fixed the keyboard focus indicator so when the “Skip to main content” link is activated, it will be visible and will properly navigate to the first interactable element within the page’s main content.
- 2024-06-26 Kickboard:We worked on backend preparations for upcoming Kickboard features. An overview of the project was provided during the demo, which covered batch rounds and changes to the disposition reasons for pool recruitments. Accessibility: The tab structure of the Contact Us page was fixed so that it will now be properly navigable by keyboard only. We’ve increased the visibility of the focus indicator for the “Jump to School or Division” dropdown button. Also fixed an issue with the “Send” button in the Contact Us page so that it is no longer included in the tab order if the button is disabled.
- 2024-06-12 Kickboard: Alert messages were added to the “Position details” and “Title information” modals to indicate that Senate recruitments cannot be hired using a pool recruitment. Additionally, only single-level recruitments can be made into pool recruitments. The pool recruitment’s “Name” and “Additional information” fields can now be edited by clicking on the name of the batch round. An “Applicants” column has been added to show how many applicants are associated with a particular round. Analysts can also set a batch round to an existing review window through the batch round creation window. Filters are now available on the Batch round grid. Three new disposition reasons added to the “Meets basic” list for pool recruitments. We’ve added text in the Description field to remind analysts to use language that is generic. Also analysts and/or committee members can associate a document with a batch round. Recruitments: In the All Applications and Applicants grid, we added new columns that display the date a status was granted to an applicant. To reduce confusion, we’ve renamed a recruitment grid column from “Availability pool demographics” to “Availability demographics.” Accessibility: We fixed a contrast issue with the gray text on a gray background in the Approvals grid.
- 2024-05-29 Cascade: We’ve modified the “Applicants” filter so users can easily exclude additional recruitment that have no applications. Kickboard: A new “Batch rounds” tab was added to the Search info section for pool recruitments. These batch rounds will help manage the multiple rounds of hiring that often take place within the year-long pool recruitments. Analysts can now filter out candidates that are marked as “Hired” when creating a search report. Accessibility: Text contrast throughout the application has been updated to meet the color contrast requirements for WCAG 2.0. We’ve removed the redundant links in the top menu bar, and we’ve updated the pickers for the “Institution” and “Affiliation or University” fields so that the dropdown list functions properly with screen readers.
- 2024-05-15 Cascade: We’ve standardized the individual applicant demographics columns to match the aggregare data. The filters were modified to include crosslisted recruitments and excludes recruitments without applications. 32 new demographic groups are now available on the Applicants demographic grid. We’ve updated the landing page to display a new Applicants demographics card. Kickboard: The Recruitment configuration tool now has “Pool recruitment” as an option for the Search plan submission checklist. A new status will be available for Pool recruitments titled “Permanently deselected”, and we also updated the Fake admin tool to include the option for pool recruitments. Recruitments: A Confidentiality reminder banner was added to the Committee page and the banner on the PDF applicant bundle download was moved to the top of the first page. The existing “Recruit Analysts (Application only)” role has been updated so they can see draft recruitments and their associated Search plans.
- 2024-05-01 Cascade: We’ve separated the availability data by senate and non-senate levels to provide a more accurate picture of actual availability for comparison. Users with the race/ethnicity data analyst or the gender identity data analyst role will be able to view the expanded race/ethnicity answers and the expanded gender identity answers. Kickboard: Development has started on Kickboard, aka the Pool Recruitments project. The first step is that we’ve added a Pool recruitment? field on the Position section of a recruitment to identify pool recruitments. Accessibility: We’ve implemented changes to the reference portal to improve error messages and better support screen readers. The color contrast of the download bundle button contrast has been fixed to meet WCAG 2.0 standards. Recruitments: Extra text was added to clarify the withdrawal process to applicants on the Position details tab. The applicant will also need to check a box on the “Withdraw from this position?” modal so they understand they cannot make any changes to their application or reapply after withdrawing it.New title codes were added to Recruit for Graduate Student Research Trainees and Fellows titles and Clinical Psychology Interns. We also provided a list of those being inactivated as well. API documentation: A broken link in the API documentation was fixed for the “fields for approvals” section.
- 2024-04-17 Cascade: Analysts can now manage Recruitment tags in the General information section. New “Overall percentages” column shows what percentage of the total applications received fall into each status subset. When there are fewer than 5 survey respondents, we will now suppress the demographic information in order to maintain the privacy of the applicants. Tooltips have been added to each row on the Applicants demographic grid. Any custom comparator that is visible to Administrators can now be made “Public”. When comparators don’t have any data, they will be omitted from the demographic chart and data. Accessibility: We implemented design changes in order to differentiate links from regular text, which will bring us closer to WCAG 2.0 compliance. We’ve also set the groundwork in Recruit to establish WCAG 2.0-compliant screen reader fixes.Recruitments: We’ve reordered the race/ethnicity columns to show “Native American” first, which puts the columns into generally ascending order.
- 2024-04-03 Cascade: Applicant demographics grids now contain aggregated availability data as a default column. Users will be able to edit their saved comparators’ names to better fit their needs. Users can search the Schools grid by a number of new keywords, including the school name, external id, tags, and abbreviation. When adding or removing tags from schools or departments, users will now see a full list of CIP code tags standard across all UC campuses. Accessibility: We’ve replaced our older color palette with a palette of higher contrast colors for our labels, buttons, body text.
- 2024-03-20 Cascade: A new Protected veteran status data analyst role was created that will grant a user access to this data. We also renamed the column to Protected veteran status on All applications and Applicants grids. On the Applicants demographic grid, a user can create a custom comparator from their current workspace so the data can be used as a benchmark. There is a new row in the Gender question labeled “Nonbinary”, which will include all applications that answered Nonbinary or Different identity. Accessibility: We’ve improved the color contrast for alerts such as success, warning, info, and danger messages. API Documentation: Veteran status has been deprecated in the recruitment API and documentation. Protected veteran status has been added to the demographics API and documentation.
- 2024-03-06 Cascade: New Protected Veteran status and Sexual Orientation status demographic filters were added to the Applicants demographic grid. The new Data Explorer tool simplifies data retrieval, making it easier for users to become proficient with the filters. Accessibility: We’ve improved error messages in the application pages to more clearly describe the page errors and how to resolve them. The reference-facing help documentation image alt text was also updated to be more descriptive and useful to unsighted or limited-vision users who utilize screen reader technologies to navigate websites. API Documentation: School and School tag information was added to the API: Exemption data and documentation.
- 2024-02-21 Cascade: A new Disability status option has been added to the “Demographic” filter. Recruitments can now be tagged so aggregated data can be gathered for recruitments. Activity logs will now capture when tags have been added/removed, when the Information section for a school or department has been updated, and when a school or department has been added through the Recruit feed. When applying a tag to a recruitment, school, or department, the existing tags will now dynamically load to help users apply the correct tag. The workspace ribbon has been updated to include a new “Comparators” filter, and we included additional columns for each status column on the Applicants demographic grid.In addition, Department chairs can now view the aggregate applicant demographics. Accessibility: The applicant-facing alt text in our user help documentation has been updated to be more helpful to those who utilize screen reader technologies to navigate the site. API Documentation: We’ve added department and recruitment tags to the API.
- 2024-02-07 Cascade: Campus comparator data is now available on the demographic chart. In the School and Department admin tools, campus administrators can add one or multiple tags to each school and/or department. Also a new tagging column can be added to the School and Department admin tool grids as well as the Recruitment grid. We will also be tracking unique users viewing the demographics table per day so that we can tell how much usage these tables are getting. Recruitments: Campus administrators can now adjust text in the Reference process explanation and Document process explanation fields after a Search plan has been approved. The messaging for application deadlines has been updated to help clarify when applications will be accepted. Admin tools: Changes to the Waiver category list will be logged in the Activity log admin tool to help with support.
- 2024-01-24 Cascade: Campus administrators can now download the applicant demographics data as a CSV file by using the new “Download as CSV” button. The tooltips on the Applicant demographic table were updated to include a label next to each number making it easier to understand the data. Recruitments:We’ve adjusted the Change request resolve process so an approver or analyst will now be asked to resolve or leave it open. The Approvals grid has been updated to list the names of the approvers who approved their respective approval step. The Search plan snapshot has been updated so it occurs when the Search plan has been approved and not when it is published.
- 2024-01-10 Candidate outcome & diversity reports (a.k.a. ADVANCE Report): New Glossary sheet is now available on the Candidate outcome & diversity report downloaded spreadsheet. The “New Candidate outcome & diversity report” modal was updated so the “Name” field is refreshed after generating a report. The filename for the downloaded file has been updated to reflect the information entered in the “Name” field by a Recruit user. Also if an applicant’s name remains veiled on a recruitment, then the report will only show the code name in the Candidate outcome sheet. Admin Tool: When a permission is changed in the Permissions Options admin tool, it will now be logged in the Admin activity log. Recruitments: New user landing page! The new landing page still displays the news and announcements, but it also now presents information about hiring processes that are important to users. API Documentation: A new section called “Definitions for application statuses” that lists each status and their definitions was added to the “API: Recruitment Data” page. We’ve also added most_recent_review_date in the Search report section.
- 2023-12-13 Candidate outcome & diversity reports (a.k.a. ADVANCE Report): We’ve updated the header at the top of each sheet. For the Candidate outcome sheet, we added a new “Academic Years” column, changed “Proposed Title Level FTE” and “Offered Title Level” columns to reflect the actual time names and added a column next to them with the title codes. “Recruitment Status” was changed to “Search Status” so users can see what the recruitment status was when the report was generated. An “Employee ID” column was added that will display this information for hired applicants. “Sexual Orientation”, “Disability Status”, and Veteran Status” will be available on the report, but the data will only be present for Recruit administrators and Diversity analysts who have the associated P4 role. The Summary table towards the bottom will summarize the data provided on this sheet. We also moved the Diversity Totals by School to its own sheet on the Excel document and added columns for “Hired/Accepted Offer • Non-Binary/Different Identity”, “Hired/Accepted Offer • Native American”, “Hired/Accepted Offer • African American”, “Hired/Accepted Offer • Hispanic”, “Hired/Accepted Offer • Asian”, and “Hired/Accepted Offer • White”. We also added more metadata onto the report download page.
- 2023-11-29 Candidate outcome & diversity reports (a.k.a. ADVANCE Report):We’ve implemented checks to ensure that only campus administrators and diversity analysts can access the Candidate outcome and diversity reports admin tool. The modal allows users to optionally rename the report, select which academic years of data will be included and can choose to display Senate, Non-Senate, or both. We also include a note that the reports may contain P4 data, and should be handled in compliance with UC policy. Recruitments: If a reference request bounces, we will warn the applicant when they attempt to submit their application so they have an opportunity to change the reference’s email. Campus administrators have a new tool to view applicant demographics for an entire school or department. We’ve further restricted the Recruit analyst (Applications only) role so it can be used in lieu of the staff editor role.
- 2023-11-15 Affirmative Action Report: We’ve created a conclusion reminder email that will list all concluded recruitments that have indicators that they need to be concluded. Recruitments: A new School page and grid was created that will carry over the existing functionality from the Manage Academic Hierarchy tool. We replaced the Manage Academic Hierarchy tool with the Schools and Departments admin tools. Users can now transfer all recruitment ownership between analysts. The “Standard text” labeling has been updated to “About [Campus name].” The Activity log admin tool will now log changes to the “Request review window” and “Publish request” email options in the Email recipients admin tool. A new “Reference request could not be delivered” email notification will be sent to applicants if a reference letter request could not be delivered
- 2023-11-01 Affirmative Action Report: We’ve created a default workspace called “Recruitments needing conclusion” that displays any un-concluded recruitment with applicants that still require a terminal status. We also created a default workspace called “Hired applicants with pending employee ID” to make it easier to identify hired applicants that need to be updated. Central AP Analyst and Diversity Analyst roles will now have access to the Employee Records admin tool, download availability data admin tool, and the recruitment availability demographics grid option. The “Download as CSV” file has been updated to expand the Offer column into multiple columns where each component now exists on its own column. When an analyst who is not already set as a recruitment owner submits a request for approval, they now have the option to add themselves as a recruitment owner. Recruitments: The character limit of the search report name field has been increased to support over a thousand characters to allow multiple candidates to be named on the report. A new Department page and grid has been created that will carry over the existing functionality from the departments section of the Manage Academic Hierarchy tool.
- 2023-10-18 Affirmative Action Reports: New “Employee ID” and “Recruitment Conclusion” filters were added to the All applications grid. In order to make it simple to manage who will receive reminders, we created the Recruitment owner role. The “Did this candidate actually get hired? email was updated to include applicants with “Hired” status with the “Not yet assigned” employee ID option selected. A new validation check was added for employee ID on the Conclusion tab to ensure a valid employee ID is entered before concluding a recruitment. We’ve also included the validation message for the employee ID on Waivers & Exemptions. Past analysts would sometimes enter obvious placeholder data, such as “9999999” or “0000000” in the employee ID field so we’ve migrated this existing obvious placeholder data into the “Not yet assigned” option. A new Recruitment owner column was added so it could be viewed on the Recruitments grid. The Applicant Pool and Shortlist creation was created into a modal similar to the Search plan and Search report. Campus administrators can now download any set of availability data through the Availability Data admin tool. An optional “Salary control” field has been added to “General information” below “Academic year” for Waivers.
- 2023-10-04 Affirmative Action Reports: The “Not yet assigned” option will be available to analysts when they don’t have the UCPath employee ID assigned yet, and they will be reminded later to add the official employee ID. Recruitments: The “Salary control” and “Approved search area” fields have been added to the Search plan submission section and will appear on the Search plan checklist if set to ‘required’.
- 2023-09-20 Affirmative Action Reports: We’ve started this project and looking for SMEs to join. Recruitments: A new optional “Document process explanation” field was added to the Document section so analysts can inform applicants that additional documents may be required of finalists. We’ve implemented a new design for the “Other users” link that categorizes the roles. The recruitments page tour was updated to clearly explain that the Approvals section has replaced the “Reports” tab. Adding/editing/removing approval attachments will now be logged in the recruitment activity log. The “Notification of data usage” section was updated to ensure analysts are notifying applicants to activate their account and manage their application. API Documentation: We’ve updated the API: Recruitment Data and API documentation to include approval attachments so campuses can pull down this data when needed. Also added the new “Document process explanation” field.
- 2023-09-06 Recruitments: The Search plan documents section was moved to the Search plan approvals page from the Documentation tab. In the top-level navigation bar, we’ve changed Reports to Workspaces. An optional document upload slot was added to the applicant pool, shortlist, and search reports to maintain a document or file with an approval PDF. Campus admins can also move or remove the placement of the uploaded documents in the Approval PDF template admin tool. When viewing a modal that contains a form with veiled information, we now disable submission of that form if the veiled form has not been opened. A new role, Recruit Analyst (Application Only), was added to administers applications within a recruitment.
- 2023-08-23
- 2023-08-09 Lego: We’ve continued to create and/or modify content blocks in the Approval PDF template such as Applicant disposition, Diversity, Applicant demographics without shortlist, Applicant demographics with shortlist, and Survey response rate for submitted applications. We’ve split the following into two separate blocks: Search plan documents and Ad documents as well as Search Outcome and the Search outcome with candidate results. Recruitments: We added a help tip for the Approval PDF reports. The Optional Document Requested email to HTML, which will make it consistent with our other emails. API: For more information on the Recruit API, please review our API documentation.
- 2023-07-26 Lego: We’ve created and/or modified content blocks such as General information, Search tracking, Contact information, Dates, Position details, Description, and Advertisement. On the QA site, any newly created approval PDF report will now include the new content blocks. Any changes to the templates will now be logged in the Activity log admin tool and User activity log. The Description column on the log entry will show all of the blocks selected for a saved template. We’ve also added a new “Updated by” column to the Approval PDF template grid.
- 2023-07-12 Veils: The Progressive disclosure video was made available on the release notes. Lego: We’ve begun converting portions of the recruitment reports into “blocks”. Please note changes made in the Approval PDF Templates tool do not yet affect approval PDFs on live recruitments.Users can also reset to the default content blocks for any approval PDF type. The “About this report” block will always display at the top of the search report, and it cannot be removed or added to any other reports. Recruitments: At the request of UCOP, we have added new GSR title codes for general use in Recruit. At UCI, we’ve updated the Document section on the Requirements tab to include a campus required document that cannot be edited by analysts or admins.Finally, we have disabled the Search Committee Chair Survey for newly created recruitments.
- 2023-06-28 Veils: Launched on Thursday, June 29th. Lego: We’ve restarted development on the Lego project. We laid the groundwork to let admins edit the content and order of an approval PDF template. Additionally, admins can now preview the edited approval PDF template from within the Admin tool. Recruitments: We’ve updated the language for the disability self-identification form and the gender options for the demographic survey. The UC Recruit User Guide was updated to include information about the Review windows process for the Turnstile project. Finally, we are continuing to fix minor alignment issues throughout the Recruit app.
- 2023-06-14 Veils: We’ve added veils to the copy recruitment feature. When providing support to applicants, analysts can peek behind the veils and view the hidden information. To make things simpler, we’ve added a copy link that will duplicate a veil within a recruitment. Copy will pre-fill the edit window with the fields from the previous veil, saving the analyst from unnecessary manual work. We’ve also implemented a bulk redaction feature to make this process easier for analysts. Recruitments: When an analyst add a new reference to recruitments that require letters of recommendation, they now be able to make the initial request for a reference letter for submitted applications. Also the online help documentation has been updated to cover progressive disclosure features.
- 2023-05-31 Veils: The Recruit system will now provide suggestions in the redaction tool when redacting application files. The document viewer has been updated to correctly veil uploaded documents within the tool itself, and it will also veil references’ names if references are set to be veiled. If a document is set to be veiled, users requesting a bulk download will now be informed which documents are veiled. We also display a clearer name for redacted document covers in the progressive disclosure menu. For applications with veiled fields, we have added an edit confirmation window that requires a user to confirm that they wish to view the unveiled information. Recruitments: We’ve updated the availability data for 2023 with the new IPEDs data source.
- 2023-05-17 Veils:We’ve continued to add new options to the Progressive Disclosure tool: Current position will cover the current job title and current institution on an application, Degree group allows analysts to veil all degree information or an individual field, and the Reference group will cover the reference information and letter of recommendation on an application.When viewing the applicant bundle, we will only include one version of each document type that has not been veiled so that it can be reviewed by the committee members. On the Requirements page, we’ve added text indicating if the recruitment supports redacted document types or not. Recruitment: When an equity advisor is added on the Diversity page, it will show “this recruitment” as the resource instead of the recruitment title for the sake of clarity.
- 2023-05-03 Veils: We’ve added several new options to the Progressive Disclosure tool: Applicant identity, Applicant’s contact information, and Document type. We’ve also changed it so that when an analyst edits a veiled document type’s name, we also update their respective veils to match. A new in-app redaction tool was added in UC Recruit so analysts can easily redact files on the Applicant review page. In addition, when a new, original document is uploaded or deleted, the existing redacted file will be removed so a new redacted file can be created. Recruitments:We finished updating our existing “Contact an admin” mail links to use our in-app email tool and automatically append the sender’s name and email address to the message so that the sender will always be identifiable. Campus admins can now assign per-recruitment API access with the Recruitment API user role.
- 2023-04-19
- 2023-04-05 Turnstile: Launching on April 6, 2023. Veils: Updates to the recruitment veils will be logged in the recruitment activity log. Also when veils are reordered, a log entry will be created that lists the order of the veils.A new “Update veils” bulk action is now available so analysts can add or remove veils for multiple applications. New redacted document type will be created for each document type in the Document section of the Requirements tab. The API: Recruitment data has been updated to provide the list of recruitment veils and the name of each application’s current veil. Lego: A “Preview” link was added to the Approval PDF templates grid so a campus administrator can preview the PDF template. A new “Position” content block will be displayed, which provides information visible on the Position tab. Recruitment: The Appointment Type condition for the Approval workflow was renamed from “Both Senate and Non-Senate” to “Either Senate or Non-Senate”.
- 2023-03-22 Turnstile: Launching on April, 6, 2023. Veils: A new “Progressive Disclosure” section was added to the Selection process page so Recruit analysts can create, update, and delete veils. A new veils column is also available on the Recruitment grid. To help campuses get the most out of the new Shortcuts admin tool, we’ve automatically converted your Recruit site’s existing outbound URLs to use shortcuts. Campus admins can review the list to update or fix broken links as needed.
- 2023-03-08 Turnstile: Launching on April, 6, 2023. All new recruitments after that date will require application submission. Lego: Search committee member and/or analyst will see the template version data towards the end of the PDF file. The Search & Recruitment Efforts content block has been standardized so they are consistent across all reports. Veils: Sneak peak on how we will be providing finer control over committee access to applicant materials. Recruitments: The reports were moved under the Approvals section of the Search Info page. The “Send email” bulk feature will send a standardized version of the notification email to the applicant. Admin Tools: New “Shortcuts” admin tool allows campus administrators to create custom URL shortcuts for external links.
- 2023-02-22 Lego: We’ve created a new tool option in the Admin page called “Approval PDF templates.” The Approval PDF templates page displays a grid listing the current reports. Note that at this time, PDF templates are not editable. Recruitments: Added a new permission option called “Visibility of late and incomplete applications” in the Admin page. The approval request owner will now be able to see any comments entered at the time of the approval by the approver in the “Approval complete notification” email.This sprint we’ve adjusted the alignment of the Details and Diversity tabs.
- 2023-02-08 Turnstile: An applicant can now take a tour that shows how to complete and submit their application for consideration. For applications that were not completed, or completed but not submitted, their status will be set to “Draft”, and completed and submitted applications will be set to “Applied”. Campus administrators can now change initial review dates that were erroneously set far in the future. We’ve updated our email communications with applicants so it includes a message to safelist our email address ap-no-reply@academic-recruit.org. Updated the “Notifications” tab on the online help documentation to reflect recent changes made to the email notifications sent to applicants when they apply to a recruitment. Recruitments: When a reference uploads a letter of reference, they will see an updated “Thank you” message indicating that the applicant may not see that a letter was uploaded for 24 hours. If a reference decides to reuse a letter, they will now see the filename displayed in the reuse message to prevent any confusion.
- 2023-01-25 Turnstile: The applicant dashboard was updated for review window recruitments so the “Submit Now” button is always visible to the applicant. Recruitments: Dean approvers can now view applications and their documents.Updated the descriptions for recruitment-relevant dates to better guide analysts when using Review window recruitments.
- 2023-01-11 Turnstile: The process for setting public and private review dates has been changed so the committee can consider additional applications during their review. We updated the “Applied on” filter and column name on the All applications and Applicants grids. The activity log will now include a link to the online help documentation when an analyst submits an application on behalf of the applicant. The notification section on the analyst-added applicant modal was updated to help analysts easily select whether or not they will be notifying manually added applicants. When the “Notify applicant, but do not activate access” is selected in the “Add applicant” modal, an updated HTML email will be sent to the applicant. The Fake data creation admin tool will create review window recruitments and fake submitted applications, allowing them to resemble real recruitments for effective user training. We also updated the Recruitment activity log ordering as it pertains to Dates. Recruitments: The “Publish request email” option was added to the Email recipient admin tool so campus administrators can decide who receives these requests. We’ve changed the language for the Basic qualifications unknown banner. UCI Academic Personnel requested that helper text and a link to guidelines for SB1162 be added below the Salary range field.
- 2022-12-24: Turnstile: The Applicant Pool, Shortlist, and Search report PDFs were updated to accommodate the new application submission process. When campuses move to the new “Review window” submission process, the legacy submission process will be hidden and will no longer display on newly created recruitments. The “Application deadline approaching:…” email notification was updated so it follows the standardized HTML format. When an analyst removes requisites from a submitted application in a review window recruitment, they will see an updated alert and the application status will be changed to “Not complete”. Recruitments: We’re continuing our ongoing project to fix visual inconsistencies and alignment issues throughout the application.
- 2022-11-30 Turnstile: We updated the grant exception process for Review window recruitments and added a new “Submission process” filter on the Recruitments and All Applications grid. The Application pool, Shortlist and Search reports were updated to show the submission process. The cover page for the individual application PDF bundle will now show the submission information in Review window recruitments. When an application is submitted after the review date has passed, the application will display a late banner. Lateness will be determined by submission and not completion for this type of submission process. The Password Reset emails was updated to the newer HTML format. Admin tools: The Mail admin tool was updated to make it easier for campus administrators to access relevant information related to the email.
- 2022-11-16 Turnstile: Analysts and admins can now manually submit applications that were not previously submitted. We adjusted the ordering of the activity log entries. An Applicant Review Window column was added to the All Applications grid, and we also updated the “Review Window” column to “Applicant Review Window” on the All Application and Applicants grids. We also updated the column labels to “Recruitment Review Dates” and “Recruitment Review Windows” to further differentiate it from the application review dates / windows. To avoid confusion with the new application submission process, we’ve updated the language of our Complete / Not Complete help tips. In addition, we updated the labeling on the Recruitment Configuration Admin tool to be inclusive of Review Window recruitments. Recruitments: We now only permit analysts and admins the ability to manually add applications to reduce any confusion among the committee members. The Verify Email, Application Started, and Application Submitted emails were updated to a newer HTML format.
- 2022-11-02 Turnstile: Recruitments with a legacy submission process and applications cannot be switched to the new Review window submission process to ensure everyone in the pool is treated equitably. Recruitments with review windows that have applications cannot be switched to a legacy submission process as well. The applicant count for recruitments using the Review window submission process represents only submitted applications. Submitted applications will be added into the current review window for recruitments using the Review window submission process. A new “Submitted” filter was added to the Applicants and All Applications grids for Review window recruitments. The consideration checklist for the Review window submission process was updated to show a new “submitted” case and the “incomplete” case was removed. Recruit analysts and Committee members will only be able to update the basic qualifications for submitted applications. We also updated the Bulk download process for Review window recruitments. The Applicant activity log will log when an application’s review window changes to make it easier to see why an application is within a particular review window or not. Recruitments: We expanded the warning message that appears when an applicant uploads a file to avoid receiving information that could bias the committee. The API: Recruitments Demographics Data documentation was updated to expose the application’s gender rollup.
- 2022-10-19 Turnstile: A new submission process has been added to the Dates modal called Review windows. We will also be tracking review windows for all recruitments on the backend. When applicants submit their application for a Review window recruitment, their application will be locked. The API: Recruitment Data documentation has also been updated. Recruitments: We updated the formatting for the Description, Qualifications, and Selection process fields.
- 2022-10-05 Turnstile: The Dates section was updated to include the “Submission process”. A new “Submit” button was added to the Application status header for applicants, which will not become visible until the project launches. A link to the demographic survey was added to the Application status header as well. Recruitments: We successfully purged hiring process data and application data from beyond the retention period on all Recruit production and training sites. A new “Bulk downloads for basic qualification evaluation” was added to the Permissions options admin tool. We implemented changes to the Committee Chair survey banner.
- 2022-09-21 Recruitments: A new “Review timeline” field has been added to the Position section to let applicants know when they should expect to hear back from the committee. Adding, removing, or editing Salary control, Initial search allocation, Search breadth, Job location, Salary range, Anticipated start, Position duration, Percent time, Rank step, Availability cohort, and/or Diversity data source fields will now create a log entry in the Recruitment activity log. The help documentation was updated to include information about copying recruitments. The Quick guides for UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz were updated to include the campus business requirements for search plans. We also now display the concluded_at field in the Recruitments API.
- 2022-09-07 Doppelgänger: Users can now choose to enter a new name for the copied recruitment. We also now display the concluded_at field in the Recruitments API Additional elements were added so they could be copied to recruitments: Search tracking, Qualifications, Advertisements, Selection process and Disposition reasons. Recruitments: The salary range field now locks after search plan approval. “Request letters” modal was updated by adding the number of people omitted to the “To:” line.
- 2022-08-24 Doppelgänger: Analysts have the option to customize what elements will be copied to a new recruitment. Also Contact information, Requirements, and multi-level recruitments can now be copied through the “Create new recruitment via copy” modal.
- 2022-08-10 Doppelgänger: Can copy a recruitment from an eligible scope, either from the recruitments grid or within a recruitment. Recruitments: Added a new Supporting Documents section to the Documentation tab of recruitments. Added new title codes.
- 2022-07-27 Admin tool: We replaced the “From” column with a “Reply-to” column on the Mail admin tool table grid. Recruitments: The “Request new review date” modal was updated to show the recipient email address for the email so the requester knows who to contact about their request. We also updated the individual applicant file with watermarks. In addition, we resolved a large number of bugs.
- 2022-07-13 Niagara: We’ve updated the applicant download list to show omitted applicants, the confidentiality statement has been added to the bulk download manifest file, modifications were made to the application PDF download cover page so reviewers can easily identify what application materials are included in the PDF download, and we adjusted the watermarks in the individual PDF application download so they are more prominent. Audit Access Notifications: Three audit email reminders will be sent annually to campus administrators and/or administrative partners that provide information about P4 data access, API accounts, or Administrative accounts. Recruitments: In the Letters of reference section on the applicants review page, we updated the timestamp to clearly note when a letter request was made and by whom.
- 2022-06-29 Niagara: The “mark as read” option was added to the Download files modal. Upgraded bulk downloads to better support very large zip files. UC Privacy Policy: We added the research noticed t the “Add applicants” workflow. Recruitments: All campuses will be updated to the more restrictive view setting for late and incomplete applications. New Non-Senate title codes were added to Recruit per UCOP’s request.
- 2022-06-15 UC Privacy Policy: All of UC Recruit now has a uniform privacy policy. We’ve added an academic research use opt-out tracking feature for applicants who do not want their data to be used by researchers. Niagara: Users can bulk download applicant PDF bundles through the bulk download tool on the QA site at the moment.
- 2022-06-02 Viaduct: Applicants who select “Other” discipline will be able to optionally enter a description for their non-standard discipline. We also no longer require applicants to type into the Discipline field. They can now scroll through the full list of disciplines to make their selection. In the very rare occasion when an applicant does not have a discipline, we have provided a “Not applicable” option to select. The disciplines will also be displayed in the applicant PDF bundle.
- 2022-05-18 Viaduct: Hospitals and medical schools from the AAMC website into the standard institute list, disciplines field for applicants & analysts, require returning applicants to re-select their Institution and Affiliation or University
- 2022-05-04 Viaduct: We’ve implemented auto-complete fields for the degree Institution and the employment Affiliation or University fields in an effort to collect applicant data that is standardized and usable fr researchers and analysts. These fields draw from a standardized list of degree-granting institutions collected by the NSF. Recruitments: A number of title codes were archived per UCOP’s request. We’ve also refreshed the academic recruit web page.
- 2022-04-20 Cosmos: “Letter reuse information” has been added to the modal, the bulk reference letter request details are now captured in the Work order admin tool, and styling updates were made to the bulk reference letter request process. Recruitments: Campus administrators can make minor modifications to a document’s name and/or description, and they can also edit a comment after a legal hold has been placed.
- 2022-04-06 Cosmos: The recipient list has a filter for references contacted within the last 7 days, we omit references who need applicant first contact and haven’t got it, we also omit applications that won’t be considered, and added validation messaging the variables available on the Request letter modal. Recruitments: A snazzy new interface is available wherever variables are used for email templates.
- 2022-03-23 Cosmos: The Bulk request reference modal was updated to include the recipient list, subject, body, and signature fields. Variables are now available to make it easier to personalize the letter request. All bulk letter requests will be handled in a background job, which ensures they are sent out quickly and reliably. Recruitments: Recruit API users can request access to the newly created API: Academic Unit Hierarchy to acquire their campus academic unit hierarchy data.
- 2022-03-09 Shredder: We will be sending out the email notifications at 3 months and 1 month prior to the deletion date scheduled on September 30, 2022. Cosmos: Started new development project, also known as “Analysts can bulk request reference letters”. Recruitments: New exemption expiration email will be sent to the exemption creator 6 and 2 months before expiration. The Dates popup now includes the “Current applicant availability” section in IRD recruitments and analysts will no longer see the “Request review date” button.The review date labeling for IRD recruitments was changed to “Most recent review date.” When browsing recruitments, applicants will see a label next to recruitments they’ve already applied to.
- 2022-02-23 Shredder: We’ve automated the deletion process so it is scheduled to occur every year for the 4 year and 8 year data cycle and updated the verbiage about Legal holds in the “Upcoming record deletion” notification email. Recruitments: The Applicant Pool and Shortlist report pdfs have been updated to include the Open Date for the recruitments.
- 2022-02-09 Recruitments: Campus administrators have access to a new Permission admin tool to enable or disable exception requests. When the permission is set to “Recruit Administrators only” then analysts cannot send exception requests, but administrators can still grant them.
- 2022-01-26 Shredder: When 8 years have passed after a recruitment was concluded, the Recruit system will fully delete Recruitments hiring processes (unless the recruitment has a legal hold). Record deletions will now occur 7 days after initiation and we made some minor changes to the Legal hold process. We added shredder icons to the Review comments and Personal notes columns when assessment data has been deleted. On the Applicant grid, we also updated the Download CSV file to include the retention policy message under the Personal Note, Public Comment, and Flags columns.
- 2021-12-15 Shredder: New email notification will be sent to campuses to prepare for the deletion process. Data lifecycle filters and columns are now available on the Recruitment/ Waiver / Exemption grids for Campus administrators and analysts. We’ve generated the employee records for all hired employees associated with concluded Recruitments/ Waivers /Exemptions on all production sites. Also after the assessment deletion data has passed, Waivers and Exemptions will be fully deleted. Recruitments: We updated the text in the consideration banners. The Holiday banners have been added to the production sites. And we’ve successfully onboarded UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Riverside onto the new feeds system
- 2021-12-01 Shredder: Documents in the Letters & memos and Interview materials sections will be deleted when the recruitment’s assessment data deleted date has passed. The Employee Record grid admin tool will now be available to campus administrators prior to the Shredder launch. Recruitments: We’ve limited the viewing size in areas that allow large blocks of text so it’s easier to review information.
- 2021-11-17 Shredder: A copy of the hired applicant’s record will be created when a hiring process is concluded. If it is un-concluded then the applicant’s record will be removed from the Employee record grid. The waiver’s justification and exemption’s category will now be stored in the Employee record. The uploaded documentation and final decisions for waivers/exemptions has also been added. Recruitments: We’ve updated the password verification process to make it less confusing for applicants. We’ve bolded some key text in the request an exception modal and included the text in the email sent to Campus administrators.
- 2021-11-03 Shredder: A new Employee record page was created to display all the retained information for a hired individual to comply with 16.A.2 of the UC Records Retention schedule. This is only accessible by Campus administrators through the “Employee record” admin tool. We updated the default view for the Employee record grid to include a “Petition type” column and we also created employee record pages for Waivers and Exemptions. Recruitments: Added help text in various areas to clarify that we are asking for a lived name from applicants to comply with UCOP policy. There is a new “Concluded at” column for Recruitments, Waivers and Exemptions grids to easily identify concluded data within a specific window. Also the text for the exception request modal was updated to clearly explain when an exception might be considered by a Campus administrator.
- 2021-10-20 Shredder: Added an icon for Disposition reasons, Disposition comment, and Search report columns. Also display a message about it being removed in the Applicants review page and the Reports page to help identify what was deleted after the recruitment’s assessment data deleted date. Added new Employee record admin tool to preserve information about hired applicant records. Recruitments: The Anticipated start date, Position duration, and Percent time fields in the Position details section now have a Search plan badge next to them.
- 2021-10-06 Shredder: When a recruitment’s assessment data deleted date starts we will delete the disposition reasons and their comments. We will also delete the Search report along with the approval comments, change requests, emails, and any logs associated to the report. Recruitments: Recruit administrators can now cancel a Search plan request, we strengthened the warnings when applicants are adding references, and we added new Senate title codes per UCOP’s request.
- 2021-09-22 Shredder: We updated the Personal Notes column so the +Add link is not present after the assessment data has been deleted. Admin tool – Approvers: A new Approvers grid has been added to the Approvals page, which will display data on the approvers themselves to help with reporting needs.
- 2021-09-08 Shredder: We added text on the “Did this candidate actually get hired? email to emphasize why recruitments should be concluded. The Data lifecycle column is now available to campus administrators. When a recruitment’s assessment data deleted date starts, we will remove the application’s personal notes, public comments, flags and display. We also display a message why the data is no longer visible.
- 2021-08-25 Shredder: Inactive recruitments will be considered concluded and start their times as June 2017. The Data lifecycle column now includes dates for deleted recruitments and cannot be restored once it reaches the assessment data deletion date. In addition, a concluded hiring process cannot be reopened once it reaches the assessment data deletion date.
- 2021-08-11 Limelight: The applicant bundle watermark for basic qualifications has been updated to make it easier for reviewers to view applicant pdfs. Shredder: Early development has started on this project formerly known as “Archive”. We’ve added language to the conclusion reopening message and we added a column to the hiring process grids that inform the user when that particular hiring process is scheduled for deletion.
- 2021-07-28 Limelight: We’ve restricted marking Basic qualifications for hidden and late applications. Campuses can use the new Email recipients admin tool to determine who receives the Request review date emails. Analysts or Committee chairs and editors can now request future and arbitrary review dates. We’ve added a new Review window filter on the Applicants grid for OCF recruitments to match the one on IRD recruitments. In addition, we’ve added a consideration column to the Download CSV and updated the API: Recruitment Data documentation.
- 2021-07-14 Limelight: Analysts and committee members can request a new review date for IRD recruitments. We’ve added guardrails to restrict users from changing ineligible application’s status. We also adjusted our reports to ensure that applications granted exceptions will appear as expected. Bulk download requests now include applications that have been granted an exception so they are available for review by the Committee members.
- 2021-06-30 Limelight:Analysts can now request an exception to the campus administrator via email. The applicant count was also updated so it is consistent with the number of applications visible to a reviewer.
- 2021-06-16 Limelight: Individual applicant bundle will include the consideration banner on the cover page and a watermark on subsequent pages. New grid view indicators have been added on the Applicant grid. Applicant’s marked as hidden will now display a consideration banner. Campus admins can grant exceptions to allow consideration of incomplete or late applicants. A new “Completion method” column is available to Campus admins on the All applications and Applicant grids. Recruitments: added validation messaging for the variables in Bulk email templates.
- 2021-06-02 Limelight: Added warning messages to late and incomplete applications on the Applicant detail page and on the Document viewer to discourage them from being considered by the search committee. We also added three new Application visibility options to the Permissions options admin tool. Administrator Tools: Administrators can now archive departments through the Manage Academic Unit Hierarchy admin tool to manage new department or department name changes.
- 2021-05-19 We updated the text on the reference “Thank you” letter so the reference clearly understands how it will be used during the search process. Administrator Tools: We modified the resource options when editing a user role and added a new Activity log admin tool so admins can see what is happening across their site.
- 2021-05-04 Goldilocks: Made some minor updates to the alert messages, the recruitment checklist, and Application edit window admin tool. Recruitments: Added the bulk download requests to Work Orders on the User page.
- 2021-04-21 Goldilocks: Campus admin can now set different minimum length policies for Senate and Non-senate recruitments, apply minimum duration to the application creation window between Open/Initial review dates and Open/Close dates, and can grant date exceptions by confirming their changes. We also simplified the alert messages. Recruitments: New Highest degree name, Highest degree institution, Highest degree dissertation title, Highest degree date, and Highest degree advisors columns available in the All Applications workspace. Admins can access a new Change request link on the Approvals page to view change request data for reporting purposes, and they can view & download email address information in the Roles admin tool.
- 2021-04-07 Goldilocks: updated the text message below the final date field and added a tooltip that analysts will see if they set the final date below or above the required window length. Recruitments: the workflow used when an Approval request is submitted will be available in the Comments section. Also when a CSV download request is made, a box will now appear at the top of the page to indicate that the report is being processed.
- 2021-03-24 Billboard: added auto-expand ability to Billboard fields for easier editing, and updated the tour to highlight the new fields on the Details page. Goldilocks: Administrators can set policy for the “Application edit window” to enforce a minimum/maximum number of days a recruitment can be open. Recruitments: added reference email request link to the hoverboard on the Applicant tab.
- 2021-03-10 Billboard: Information URL field has been moved to the new Links area in the Contact section. Recruitments: A new “Document requirements” column can be added to a workspace on the Recruitments table view.
- 2021-02-24 Billboard: Added “Name” field to the General information section and tooltips to the contact fields on the Details page. New “Download Advertisement” link is available to download a PDF version of the recruitment ad. Campus name now appears next to Department and School for a recruitment. The Search Plan has been updated to match the reorganization and new fields. Recruitments: Updated Bulk Download to allow multiple files to be selected and downloaded. The applicant’s activity log will now capture reference email requests made by the analyst or committee members. We have also provided the ability for analysts to cancel approval requests, if enabled.
- 2021-02-10 Billboard: We reorganized the Recruitment tabs. A new “Search Tracking” section was added to the Details tab. A new Position and Description tab was created, and we also moved the Qualifications tab. The Help text above the “Campus standard text” field in the Apply page configuration section has been updated. Recruitments: In the Diversity tab, there is a new “Serious consideration” row for the Equity Advisors to have access to the data. We removed the limit of 5 custom disposition reasons in a recruitment.
- 2021-01-27 Billboard:Updated the applicant-facing layout of the recruitment ad. Added two new fields: Percent time and Position duration. Also administrators can now define help text for Basic, Additional, and Preferred Qualifications.
- 2021-01-13 Billboard: Additional and Preferred qualifications added to the Apply Page Visibility tool. Green “Ad” label added next to each field that will display on the recruitment ad. New “Reference Process Explanation” field added to the Reference requirements. Contact information tab updated with new “Links” section.
- 2020-12-09 Approvals: Recruit administrators can now delete mistaken approvals for Applicant Pool and Shortlist reports and the Recruit analyst can request the cancellation by using the “Request cancellation” link. Research Support: New columns were added to the Recruitment grid to assist with UCOP’s reporting needs that campuses can also use.
- 2020-11-25 Billboard: Added new tool to allow campus admins to set “standard text” for recruitments; added Salary range field to the “Apply page configuration” tool and the “Search plan submission” tool. Recruitments: Clearer messaging was added for the approval workflow when an admin tries to remove a step and if there is only one optional approval step that has been approved. Admin Tool: A new Roles admin tool is available to help with auditing users roles.
- 2020-11-12 Billboard: When the feature becomes enabled, a new section will be added to the Recruitment configuration admin tool called “Apply page configuration” that includes the Apply page link, Help contact email, and Basic qualifications. Applicant Self-Withdrawal: updated the Search report to include a candidate’s self-withdrawal along with their reason for the withdrawal. Self-withdrawal information was added to the online Help documentation.
- 2020-10-28 Applicant Self-Withdrawal: When an applicant self-withdraws and selects a decline reason, the decline reason will appear in the disposition reason comment fields. An email will also be sent to the help contact, committee chair and additional committee chair. Notifications can be turned off through the user dashboard. Irrelevant links were removed on the self withdrawal email to the applicant. Applicant Tracks: added the Broadbean search sources to the Applicant search sources admin tool.
- 2020-10-14 Applicant Self-Withdrawal: Applicant can select a decline reason for their withdrawal. We’ve changed it so applicants can no longer undo this action. An email will also be sent to the applicant to show they successfully completed the withdrawal and their Portfolio page will show a “Withdrawal” status. When an application has been completed, the email will also make them aware that they can withdraw it.
- 2020-09-30 Applicant Self-Withdrawal: When the feature is enabled, applicants will be provided with the ability to withdraw their application. Also if the applicant can undo the withdrawal and it will revert their status back prior to the applicant-initiated withdrawal.
- 2020-09-16 Bulk Download: Added a warning message when selected applications are within a review or final date that has not yet passed. Changed Bulk download button to a drop down menu that includes a “View previous requests” option.
- 2020-09-02 Bulk Download: bulk download files window now displays the list of applicants selected and an alert message will display if an application is incomplete or late. A success message is now visible after making the request and the requestor will receive an email with the details and a “Download file now” button that will direct them to the Bulk Downloads page.
- 2020-08-19 Bulk Download: updated the manifest file in the zip download. Also set an expiration policy for bulk download snapshot so the link will expire after 72 hours from the date of the request. Disability Self-Identification Form: updated it to include “Page 1 of 1” and tried to match the alignment.
- 2020-08-05 Bulk Download: added the Bulk download files button to the Applicants grid and the ability to download a zip file. Some minor updates were made to the Disability Self-Identification Form to make sure it matched the form exactly. Added a filter for disposition reasons to the workspace ribbon on the applicants grid. Reorganized the Admin page so it is easier to find the admin tools available to the user.
- 2020-07-22 Disability Self-Identification Form was updated to include Name, Date, and Employee ID field to the “Voluntary Self-identification of Disability” section. Bulk Download: updated the “select all” functionality on both the Applicant grid and the Manage User Roles admin tool.
- 2020-07-08 Speedup of review process: The activity log has been added to the popup view for easy access and added a Search field so a user can search for a particular entry.
- 2020-06-24 Speedup of review process: The Applicant grid will refresh to bring up the next set of applications so a user can click on the “Next application” button without having to leave the popup view. Any changes in the application popup view will update the associated columns in the grid.
- 2020-06-10 Speedup of review process: The application popup view has been updated to include the Review section from the applicant review page. When the “Viewer” button is selected, it will now be accessible on the popup view. Also when a person closes the application popup view, we will highlight the application they were currently viewing. Applicant Tracks: We renamed the search sources and search source responses sections to Applicant Search Sources and Applicant Search Source Responses.
- 2020-05-27 Speedup of review process: We’ve created an application popup that displays over the All applications and Applicant grids. We also moved Added applicant, Basic qualifications, Portfolio, Hidden, Read and Last modified over to this modal view.
- 2020-05-13 Applicant Tracks: New “Start with default sources” button will automatically populate the Ad sources section with default admin level search sources. Added an alert to indicate when a search source has been discontinued and should not be used by the analyst. API: Recruitments Data documentation was updated to include Search source data. Starting the new Speedup of review process project.
- 2020-04-29 Applicant Tracks: Added Search source term “Not asked” to applicants who were manually added by an analyst. Search sources added to the Search Plan checklist. When the feature flag becomes enabled the “How did you hear about the position?” will no longer display on the demographic survey. Updated the API: Recruitment Data to show which recruitment survey response fields are being deprecated when the feature flag for Search sources becomes enabled.
- 2020-04-15 Applicant Tracks: New “Search source options” section in the Advertisement page for a recruitment. Added a new “Recruitment search source effectiveness report for the 2019/20 academic year” on the Reports tab. Applicants can now edit their search source selection on their My Information page for a recruitment. Updated table on the advertisement page to show current total of the applicant search source responses. Recruitments: Updated the email sent to the references to help ensure they are uploading a generic letter.
- 2020-04-01 Applicant Tracks: Admin tool renamed to Applicant Search Sources. New “Applicant search sources report for the 2019/20 academic year” on the Reports tab. When an applicant selects “Other” they can now enter their own search source. Recruitments: New warning message displays when an approval workflow is blank. The References column has been redesigned to show Uploaded, Requested, and Info supplied data on the Applicant grid.
- 2020-03-18 Applicant Tracks: admins can set the search source to be Campus wide or to specific academic units.Updated the application wizard to include the search source question. Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity: Turning off the P4 data on Recruitments Data API on April 30th. Request Changes: Added new Approval card that contains all approvals the user is associated with.
- 2020-03-04 Applicant Tracks project begins. New Applicant tracking admin tool to enter search source options. Request Changes: Online help documentation updated with the Request Changes process. Ownership of an approval can be transferred to a new analyst if needed. Redesigned the user dashboard.
- 2020-02-19 Request Changes: A Tour on the Approval page was added to help users become familiar with the new approval view. Current approver, Upcoming approvers, and Previous approvers added to help identify the next approver. The Change Request banner was moved into the comment modal as part of the resolution process. Resolved change requests can now be reopened by the approvers and analyst. New “Approval timeline” column added on the Approvals page for reporting needs.
- 2020-02-05 Request Changes: We updated the process to allow an approver to open a change request and optionally set it to “Requires review from” an earlier approver step. Added the ability to resolve change requests through the decision modal when approving a step and removed the comment box. We created an RSS feed that displays each campus’s open recruitments.We also added a bulk email disclosure to help clarify that each applicant will receive an individualized email with their information.
- 2020-01-22 Request Changes: When a change is requested by an approver, the Recruit analyst will now be notified via email. Also when it has been resolved, a notification email will be sent to the analyst and any approvers associated to the step. We standardized the department input selections so the department and schools display consistently throughout the site.
- 2020-01-08 Request Changes: Comment field added to the decision model to make this process easier. A new banner displays when a change request was submitted by an approver. The ability to resolve changes requests was also added. Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity: FAQ added to the demographic survey to help address any questions by applicants. All P4 data access was removed. Portfolio: Set “Always email me to ask for a new letter” as the default when a reference uploads a letter.
- 2019-12-11 Request Changes: Make Decision Now button added to the approval step so an approver can approve or request changes. New alert message when a recruitment duration is too short or too long.
- 2019-12-02 Added Selection Criteria and Ad Documents to the Recruitment checkpoints admin tool for the search plan approval process. New filters added to the All Applications grid. Updated text for the reminder email with the subject line “[UC Irvine Recruit] Did these candidates actually get hired?” Portfolio: Added a two day delay before telling applicants a reference letter was pulled from our retained letter and automatically reused.
- 2019-11-13 UCOP contact information updated on the Privacy and Policy statement. Added school and department level access to Diversity Analyst role. Request Changes: Approval grid has new Decision column and approval step gets highlighted when an approver makes a decision.
- 2019-10-30 New Disability Status Data Analyst role and P4 Data Analyst report. Added the Anticipated Start Date Passed report to find applicants who should be updated to Hired status. New WOS titles added for waivers and exemptions.
- 2019-10-16 Portfolio improvements for existing users with an ApplicantID, new Race/Ethnicity Data Analyst role, Diversity Survey renamed to Demographic Survey and new P4 API.
- 2019-10-03 Portfolio improvements for new applicants, new Sexual orientation data analyst role, and improved performance for CSV downloads
- 2019-09-18 Portfolio user experience improvements, gender identity data analyst role, and updated availability data.
- 2019-09-05 References can set their letters to be automatically reused. Diversity survey intro text updated. Portfolio password reset emails tracked in mail admin tool.
- 2019-08-21 Added updated questions to the applicant demographics survey (not yet on production). Add new applicant status “declined soft offer after proposed candidate.”
- 2019-08-07 Applicants can reuse previously uploaded files for application document requirements. Added a user page that displays the most relevant information for a user in one convenient view. Allow analysts to remind committee chairs to take their survey before generating the search report.
- 2019-07-24 Improved applicant Portfolio UI as well as the search report candidate status headers. Added For Consideration column to administrator view to easily show which applicants can be considered for a position.
- 2019-07-10 References can reuse previously uploaded reference letters for applicant requests. Admins can set campus to require addition of committee members before search plan can be submitted.
- 2019-06-14 Portfolio enabled on Production
- 2019-05-30 Portfolio
- 2019-05-16 Ad Sources put into Checkpoints tool. Diversity Survey Only recruitments indicated on reports. Portfolio dash designed. Upgrade path from individual applications to Portfolio.
- 2019-05-02 Checkpoints admin tool redesign, Portfolio project begins.
- 2019-04-04 Easier to distinguish levels on apply page. Ad sources manageable by committee Chairs and Editors. All close, edit, final deadlines displayed to applicants show 11:59pm (Pacific Time). Help documentation for multi-level now on production sites.
- 2019-03-21 First name, last name links in applicant grid. Pool demographic “counts” restricted by roles using admin permissions. Multi-level: Search reports require at least one level of 100% dispositioned applicants. Level shows in a column on the Assign Disposition Reasons page.
- 2019-03-07 Mark as approval tool enhancement. Multi-level: applicant’s level switching can be done by admins. Permissions tool updated to allow analysts to level-switch.
- 2019-02-21 Refurbished Search plan PDF. Admins can create fake waivers for training or qa. Multi-level: requisites deletion when levels are switched.
- 2019-02-07 Recruitment checkpoints tool enhanced. Refurbished Search report PDF. New admin tool “Fake data” for training or qa. Multi-level: applicant instructions field added and required.
- 2019-01-24 Chair survey update, improved UI for requirements tab “zero state”, removed terminology “Basic recruitment”
- 2019-01-09 (bug sprint/no release notes)
- 2018-12-13 Refurbished Applicant pool and Shortlist PDFs. Multi-level: AA goals may be set per level.
- 2018-11-28 Pool diversity (found on diversity tab) links to the corresponding applicant grid workspace. Improved field of study error messaging when recruitment dates are blank. Multi-level: diversity page displays availability data per level.
- 2018-11-14 Recruitment checkpoints tool enhanced. Multi-level: levels now indicated in applicant emails. Levels are tied to titles.
- 2018-10-31 Recruitment checkpoints tool enhanced. Updated tour shown after creating a new recruitment.
- 2018-10-17 Wizard removal completed. Created a new Recruitment checkpoints tool for admins. Field of study modal updated. Multi-level: recruitments plumbing continues.
- 2018-10-03 Math onboarding: specializations field updated and new grid filters for Math. Multi-level: levels may be re-ordered. Wizard removal: Search breadth and Initial search allocation fields removed from wizard. New Recruit landing pages for UCM, UCLA, UCSC, UCI.
- 2018-09-19 Math onboarding: ranked specializations. Multi-level: levels creation moves to titles section.
- 2018-09-06 Sidebar filters disabled on all campus’ sites. Term “Hiring type” is now “Availability cohort” throughout application. Senate level and availability cohort dynamically displays in titles section. Multi-level: Levels are displayed in the Search report.
- 2018-08-22 GDPR compliance completed. Wizard removal: title field removed from wizard. Redesigned campuses Recruit landing pages. Various social media venues display snazzier Recruit links.
- 2108-08-08 Wizard removal: nav bar dots taken out, checklist formatted for readability. Multi-level: Titles section replicated on details page while levels plumbing continues. Reference requirements dynamically change when applicant switches level.
- 2018-07-26 Wizard removal: Reference requirements moves to Requirements tab. Multi-level recruitments plumbing continues.
- 2018-07-11 Wizard removal: entire configuration part of wizard is removed. Requirements tab added to search info menu. Tour of the Details page is triggered when new recruitment is created. Multi-level: Can configure document requirements for multi-levels.
- 2018-06-28 Wizard removal: Reference requirements are moved out of the recruitment creation wizard. Plan submission checklist updated. “Dot” indicators appear on the Details page.
- 2018-06-14 Multi-level: Applicants may apply and switch levels. Level indicator column on applicant grid. Document requirements are moved out of the creation wizard/temporarily housed on Details page.
- 2018-05-30 Discovered candidate history feature, increased AP Central Analyst access, Panorama project completed.
- 2018-05-17 Bug sprint/no release notes
- 2018-05-02 Add candidate email addresses, table of titles and title categories.
- 2018-18-04 Bulk remove user roles, volunteer UX survey installed.
- 2018-04-04 Panorama: nested columns sorting.
- 2018-03-22 Panorama: usability updates.
- 2018-03-07 PII audit tool finished. Panorama: click and drag columns, assorted filters and columns added.
- 2018-02-22 PII audit tool updates. Panorama: converted reports page finished.
- 2018-02-08 Panorama: converted reports pages with templates and saved workspaces.
- 2018-01-25 Panorama: Saving workspaces, new columns and filters addded.
- 2017-12-13 (No release note: codebase maintenance and upgrades)
- 2017-11-30 (PII admin tool cont. Bugs and stuff)
- 2017-11-16 (Recruitment panorama: new diversity analysis columns)
- 2017-11-01 (Recruitment panorama: new text field columns. Begin “PII audit tool project.” Preview of Open rank development)
- 2017-10-19 (All applicants tool, hide applicant warning, clarified annual salary field for EXRs)
- 2017-10-05 (Committee auditing tool, searches by specialization)
- 2017-09-20 (Launching the workspace ribbon with filter sidebar “on,” create applicantID form update
- 2017-09-07 (No release notes/no deployment)
- 2017-08-24 (Recruitment log – not deployed)
- 2017-08-09 (Filtering with the “Workspace ribbon” – not deployed)
- 2017-07-27 (live updating continued, field of study in help docs, 7 days to activate, manage link removed)
- 2017-07-12 (6 digit title codes, live updating pages)
- 2017-06-28 (Decline reasons project completed)
- 2017-06-14 (Delete JPFs, Search conclusion completed, Chair survey project completed)
- 2017-05-17 (Tour of manage applicant page, Mobile access navigation, Chair survey cont.)
- 2017-05-03 (Merge manage page completed, Accessibility, Chair survey cont., Search conclusion cont.)
- 2017-04-20 (Exemption workflows tweak, Merge manage page cont., Search conclusion cont.)
- 2017-04-05 (Merge manage page cont., Chair survey cont., Search conclusion cont.)
- 2017-03-23 (Chair survey cont., Search conclusion cont., )
- 2017-03-09 (Any department for offers, Live regions UI, Chair survey cont.)
- 2017-02-23 (Begin “Search conclusion project”, Merge manage page cont., Chair survey cont.)
- 2017-02-08 (News & Updates page formatting, Merge manage page cont., Chair survey cont., )
- 2017-01-26 (Soft offer status project completed, Merge manage page cont., Chair survey cont., )
- 2017-01-12 (bug sprint)
- 2016-12-15 (Waivers lock on approval, Merge manage page con’t, Chair survey cont., )
- 2016-11-30 (Exemptions project completed, Begin “Chair survey project”)
- 2016-11-17 (Approval confirmation popups, Affirmative action goal additions, Exemptions cont., )
- 2016-10-20 (Waiver conclusions, PII redaction, Exemptions cont., )
- 2016-10-5 (PII warning to applicants, Merge manage page/replace documents, API includes applicant files, Exemptions cont., )
- 2016-9-22 (Waivers notifications tweaks, Specializations filtering, Exemptions cont., )
- 2016-9-8 (Begin “Merge manage page project”, Applicant contact info editing after final date, Exemptions cont., )
- 2016-8-25 (Recruit headers, Waivers tweaks, Exemptions cont.)
- 2016-8-10 (Appointment percentages calculated, Markdown formatting available, Waiver activity log, Exemptions cont.,)
- 2016-7-28 (Availability data for AY16/17, Specializations cut & paste, UCANR sites, Waivers API, Exemptions cont.)
- 2016-7-14 (Linked search waivers guidelines, Hired report updated)
- 2016-6-29 (Projects completed: Search waivers and the New diversity survey launched)
- 2016-6-15 (Update ethnicity tracking cont., Waivers cont.)
- 2016-6-2 (Begin “Exemptions project”, Update ethnicity tracking cont., Waivers cont.)
- 2016-5-18 (Begin “Update ethnicity tracking project”, Waivers cont.)
- 2016-5-5 Fields of study replaces ‘specialties’, Crosslist recruitment picker UI, Waivers cont.)
- 2016-4-21 (Waivers cont.)
- 2016-4-7 (Waivers cont.)
- 2016-3-24 (Specializations project completed, Waivers cont.)
- 2016-3-10 (Begin “Specializations project”, Waivers cont.)
- 2016-2-25 (Waivers cont.)
- 2016-2-12 (Preview JPF’s URL for drafts, Increased chairs/editors role access for ad evidence, Waivers cont.)
- 2016-1-27 (Diversity reports renamed, Job location field added, Waivers cont.)
- 2016-1-13 (Begin “Search Waivers project’)
- 2015-12-17 Approval Director role added.
- 2015-12-03 Compliance: Pay Transparency Policy Statement added.
- 2015-11-04 Compliance: require that all applications have disposition reasons for open/close/final recruitments
- 2015-10-07 Compliance: required to add disposition reasons before creating a search report for recruitments with review dates.
- 2015-09-23
- 2015-09-09
- 2015-08-12
- 2015-07-29
- 2015-07-15
- 2015-06-29
- 2015-06-01
- 2015-05-15
- 2015-05-01
- 2015-04-17
- 2015-04-03
- 2015-03-19
- 2015-03-05
- 2015-02-19
- 2015-02-04
- 2015-01-21
- 2015-01-06