Recruit may optionally accept gender and ethnicity data on academic employees that are eligible to serve on search committees. If provided, this data will enable a new report on search committee composition with data aggregated by recruitment. This report is part of an annual UCOP request on faculty search data. If the data is not provided, then the report will not identify search committee composition. Diversity Data may be periodically uploaded to the AP Recruit servers to ensure it is kept up-to-date.
The following is an excerpt from the UCOP Search Data request for reference. Note that UC Recruit’s downloadable report will differ slightly from the format below:
UC Recruit accepts a CSV-formatted file with the following columns:
[iframe style=”height:950px” src=””]
The following is an example CSV-formatted file accepted by UC Recruit:
"external_user_id","ethnicity","gender","member_type"\r\n "001134578234","asian","male","faculty"\r\n "120443307255","B","female","graduate_student"\r\n
Where the \r\n represent a raw carriage return and newline. The header row is required for this data feed.