This API is designed to facilitate automated user role management for customer campuses. It allows for creating, listing, finding and deleting a subset of the user roles in the system via a RESTful XML interface. This API does not allow modification of user roles created by the Admin “Manage Users” tool. This is to prevent the API from overwriting manually added user roles (e.g.: administrator, diversity analyst, or other roles).
If you would like access to the API, please fill out the form here. This form helps us maintain control over who has access to the API and the information contained within.
The API is designed to accept and return XML for requests.
Formally, UserRole is uniquely defined by its 4-tuple: (external-user-id, api-role-name, api-resource-type, api-resource-id).
- The external-user-id for the customer campus corresponds to the Shibboleth eduPersonPrincipalName, e.g.
- The api-role-name must be an analyst, Equity Advisor, professorial, or an approver role (see Specification: Access Control for the complete list).
- The api-resource-type must be one of School, Department or Tool, and the api-resource-id must match the external_id of a School, Department, or the ‘recruit’ Tool.
Serialized IDs
The primary key for a UserRole is its serialized-id, a string representation of the unique 4-tuple that defines a UserRole.
Generating a Serialized ID
The serialized-id is formed by concatenating the external-user-id, api-role-name, api-resource-type, and api-resource-id together by ‘-‘s.
As an example, a UserRole 4-tuple of
(,Equity Advisor,School,1)
would have a serialized-id of Advisor-School-1
Quoting, XML, and URLs
The serialized-id may contain characters that need to be quoted or translated depending on the usage.
For XML, be sure to properly encode any XML entities, translating things like & to &
For URLs, be sure to properly URL encode the serialized-id, translating things spaces to %20. Additionally, encode any ‘.’s to ‘_’s.
Example Quoted Serialized IDs
Plain | Advisor-School-1 |
XML | Advisor-School-1 |
URL | 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef@ucsd_edu-Equity%20Advisor-School-1 |
Two XML formats are primarily used in the API: a Full Format and a Simple (Create) Format. We additionally give examples of a list of UserRoles, a 404 error, a create error, and a schema list.
Simple (Create) Format XML
You will need to use the Simple (Create) Format when you want to create a new UserRole.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <user-role> <external-user-id></external-user-id> <api-role-name>Equity Advisor</api-role-name> <api-resource-type>School</api-resource-type> <api-resource-id>1</api-resource-id> </user-role>
Full Format XML
The Full Format is what is returned when retrieving a UserRole from the API. One should not mimic this format when attempting to create a new UserRole.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <user-role id=” Advisor-School-1”> <external-user-id></external-user-id> <api-role-name>Equity Advisor</api-role-name> <api-resource-type>School</api-resource-type> <api-resource-id>1</api-resource-id> <internal-id readonly=”true” dangerous=”true”>5002</internal-id> <internal-role-id readonly=”true” dangerous=”true”>19</internal-role-id> <serialized-id readonly=”true”> Advisor-School-1</serialized-id> <ingested-at readonly=”true”>2001-01-01T12:00:00-07:00</ingested-at> <auto readonly=”true”>true</auto> </user-role>
Warning: Attributes labeled as dangerous are provided only for convenience purposes, and should never be relied on to be consistent between queries.
List Format
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <user-roles type=”array”> <user-role id=” Analyst-School-1”> <external-user-id></external-user-id> <api-role-name>Recruit Analyst</api-role-name> <api-resource-type>School</api-resource-type> <api-resource-id>1</api-resource-id> <internal-id readonly=”true” dangerous=”true”>4999</internal-id> <serialized-id readonly=”true”></serialized-id> <ingested-at readonly=”true”>2001-01-01T12:00:00-07:00</ingested-at> <internal-role-id readonly=”true” dangerous=”true”>5</internal-role-id> <auto readonly=”true”>true</auto> </user-role> <user-role id=” Advisor-School-1”> <external-user-id></external-user-id> <api-role-name>Equity Advisor</api-role-name> <api-resource-type>School</api-resource-type> <api-resource-id>1</api-resource-id> <internal-id readonly=”true” dangerous=”true”>5002</internal-id> <serialized-id readonly=”true”> Advisor-School-1</serialized-id> <ingested-at readonly=”true”>2001-01-01T12:00:00-07:00</ingested-at> <internal-role-id readonly=”true” dangerous=”true”>19</internal-role-id> <auto readonly=”true”>true</auto> </user-role> </user-roles>
Error XML
The Error XML format is returned whenever there is an error creating a new UserRole.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <errors> <error>Resource type (api-resource-type) must be in School, Department</error> <error>Role can’t be blank</error> <error>Role (api-role-name) must be in Recruit Analyst, Equity Advisor</error> <error>User can’t be blank</error> </errors>
404 XML
The 404 XML format is returned whenever a resource cannot be found. An example is given below.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <error> <message>Schema key must be one of ‘role-names’, ‘resource-types’, ‘required-xml-elements’</message> </error>
406 Not Acceptable
Code 406 is returned when the server does not know what content-type to respond with. To resolve this, please try appending “.xml” to the end of the URL in order to explicitly request XML data:
Schema XML
Schema XML varies depending on the schema key being queried. An example is given below.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <valid-role-names> <valid-role-name>Recruit Analyst</valid-role-name> <valid-role-name>Equity Advisor</valid-role-name> </valid-role-names>
Working with the API
Requests listed below are prefixed with their necessary HTTP verb.
Making Valid Requests
It is strongly suggested that the following headers be set, or that all requests use a .xml suffix to ensure that XML responses are generated.
HTTP Header |
Value |
Content-Type |
application/xml |
Accept |
application/xml |
All POST requests should have XML bodies.
All API requests require HTTP Basic Authentication. Please see your systems administrator for assistance in defining the username and password for your site.
Listing All UserRoles
Lists the entire set of UserRoles:
Returns a List XML.
Listing UserRoles for a User
Lists the set of UserRoles defined for a particular user, given an external_user_id. For example, given as an external_user_id:
- Returns a List XML with a 200 (OK) status code.
- Returns 404 XML with a 404 (Not Found) status code if it is unable to find the user for the UserRole.
Finding a UserRole
Responds with the XML for a UserRole, when given its serialized-id:
- Returns Full Format XML with a 200 (OK) status code if found.
- Returns 404 XML with a 404 (Not Found) status code otherwise.
Creating a UserRole
Creates a UserRole, given a request body containing Simple (Create) Format XML:
- Returns Full Format XML with a 201 (Created) status code on successful create, with a Location header pointing to the newly created UserRole.
- Returns Error XML with a 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code if unable to create due to invalid XML data.
- Returns 404 XML with a 404 (Not Found) status code if it is unable to find a matching user for the UserRole.
Deleting a UserRole
Deletes a UserRole, given its serialized_id:
- Returns an empty response with a 200 (OK) status code on success.
- Returns 404 XML with a 404 (Not Found) status code if it is unable to find a matching API UserRole.
Schema Information
Lists the set of role names applicable to the API.
Lists the set of resource types applicable to the API.
Lists the set of required XML elements to create a new UserRole.
- Returns Schema XML with a 200 (OK) status code if found.
- Returns 404 XML with a 404 (Not Found) status code if it is unable to find schema information of the requested type.
Other Errors
If the API cannot properly process the request, you will receive a 500 (Internal Server Error) status code