UC Recruit provides a RESTful web service to expose the recruitments information internal to the system. This is a read-only API that allows consumption of the data for integration into other systems for analytics, tracking, and reporting.
If you would like access to the API, please fill out the form here. This form helps us maintain control over who has access to the API and the information contained within.
Working with the API
Requests listed below are prefixed with their necessary HTTP verb.
Making Valid Requests
All requests should use the GET HTTP method. All API requests require HTTP Basic Authentication. Please see your systems administrator for assistance in determining the username and password for your site, or contact UCRecruit-Support@uci.edu.
It is strongly suggested that the following headers be set, or that all requests use a .json suffix to ensure that JSON responses are generated.
- ‘Accept’ HTTP Header
Listing Recruitments
To list the entire set of Recruitments in a given Academic Year:
GET https://recruit.ucx.edu/api/v1/recruitments?academic_year=2012%20-%202013
Note that the academic_year parameter must follow the format “nnnn – nnnn”.
Whitespace is significant and required.
Asking for years that the system does not know about will yield an empty list of Recruitments.
Asking without providing an Academic Year will result in a 400 response code.
The following fields are present in a successful response:
Fields | Description |
academic_year | The Academic Year that was requested. |
as_of | A timestamp showing when the list was generated. Uses the ISO8601 “Combined date and time in UTC” format. Example: 2012-04-19T20:13Z |
recruitments | An array of recruitment descriptions for the requested Academic Year. Contains subfields. |
Once you have this information you can look at individual recruitments using the next endpoint.
Fetching Indvidual Recruitment Information
To obtain more information about an individual recruitment with job_number JPF0012345:
GET https://recruit.ucx.edu/api/v1/recruitments/JPF0012345
Asking for recruitments that the system does not know about will yield a 404 response code.
A valid response will return one JSON object representing the recruitment.
Fields for recruitments |
Format | |
academic_year | The academic year in which this recruitment was initiated. | /^\d{4} – \d{4}$/ |
additional_qualifications | The text entered as the recruitment’s “Additional Qualifications” | text |
address | The recruitment’s address. Deprecated and no longer used. | text |
ad_documents | An array of objects that represent documents of all advertisements that will be posted for the recruitment. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
ad_evidences | An array of objects that represent documents that contain proof that the recruitment advertisements ran and other forms of outreach were conducted. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
ad_sources | An array of objects representing the places where the recruitment is advertised. Each element is an object that contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
affirmative_action_goals | DEPRECATED; please use affirmative_action_goals on recruitment’s levels instead. |
Array of strings |
aggregated_demographics_data | An array of objects that represent documents for the recruitment’s demographic data gathered by an external search firm. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
anticipated_start | Anticipated start of the position | text |
applicants | An array of objects representing all applicants for this Recruitment. Contains subfields. |
Object |
applicant_pool_reports | An array of objects that represent the recruitment’s generated applicant pool reports. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
applicant_pool_report_documents | An array of objects that represent documents attached to the recruitment’s generated applicant pool reports. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
approved_search_area | The text entered as the recruitment’s “Approved Search Area” | text |
basic_qualifications | The text entered as the recruitment’s “Basic Qualifications” | text |
central_office_documents | An array of objects that represent documents that were uploaded to only be visible by central campus offices. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
close_date | The last date that applicants can apply to the Recruitment. Note: it is only output if review windows are not present | ISO8601 date |
committee_instructions_documents | An array of objects that represent documents containing information for committee members participating in the recruitment search. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
concluded_at | The date this recruitment was concluded | ISO8601 date |
conflict_of_interest_documents | An array of objects that represent documents of Conflict of Interest forms from the recruitment committee members. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
contact_email | The email given as the primary contact for the recruitment | text |
contact_name | The name given as the primary contact for the recruitment | text |
created_by_external_user_id | The external_user_id of the user who created this recruitment |
text |
cross_listings | An array of objects representing all the ways this recruitment is listed in advertisements. Contains subfields. |
department | An object representing the primary department for the recruitment. Contains subfields. |
Object |
description | The text entered as the recruitment’s “Description” | text |
document_requirements | An array of objects that describe the documents that applicants are asked for during the application process. Contains subfields. |
Object |
evaluation_materials | An array of objects that represent various documents that are used to evaluate applicant eligibility for the recruitment’s position. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
equity_advisor_role | The text entered as the recruitment’s “Equity Advisor Role” | text |
final_date | For OCF recruitments, the date after which applicants cannot modify their applications. For IRD recruitments, the date after which the recruitment disappears from the apply page |
ISO8601 date |
herc_category | An object representing the HERC category assigned to this recruitment. Contains subfields. |
Object |
id | The internal identifier of the Recruitment requested | A number |
information_links | An array of objects representing the recruitment’s links that provide further information. Contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
information_url | DEPRECATED; please use information_links instead | text |
initial_search_allocation | The origin of the search for this Recruitment | One of: “new” , “relisted” , or “unknown” . |
initial_search_outcome | DEPRECATED; please use search_outcome instead | string |
interview_materials | An array of objects that represent documentation that was created as a result of an interview. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
is_active | True if the recruitment is active; false otherwise | boolean |
job_location | The city and state where the hire will work. | text |
job_number | The external identifier used in job ads and reports | /^JPF\d+$/ |
levels | An array of objects representing the recruitment levels and their respective requirements Contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
name | The name of this recruitment. | text |
online | True if the recruitment has been configured for online; false otherwise | boolean |
open_date | The earliest date that applicants can apply to the Recruitment | ISO8601 date |
owners | Owners of a recruitment, and will be notified about its progress Contains subfields. |
percent_time | Percentage of time the hire will work | text |
pool_recruitment | Whether the recruitment is a pool recruitment | boolean |
position_duration | Duration of the position | text |
preferred_qualifications | The text entered as the recruitment’s “Preferred Qualifications” | text |
published_at | The date at which the recruitment was published. If the recruitment was Open before the publishing feature, will be the same as the open_date . |
ISO8601 date |
published_by_external_user_id | The external_user_id of the user who published this recruitment.If the recruitment was Open before the publishing feature, will be the same as the created_by_external_user_id . |
text |
rank_step | The rank/step if provided by the analyst when creating the recruitment. | text |
recruitment_titles | DEPRECATED; please use titles under recruitment or titles under levels for level-specific titles. instead; An array of objects representing the titles available to hired applicants under this recruitment. Each element is an object that contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
review_timeline | Review timeline of the position | text |
review_windows | An array of objects representing the review windows for this recruitment. Each element is an object that contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
salary_control | The salary control number if provided by the analyst when creating the Recruitment. | text |
salary_range | The salary range if provided by the analyst when creating the recruitment. | text |
school | An object representing the primary school for the recruitment. Contains subfields. |
Object |
search_breadth | The type of search undertaken for this Recruitment | One of: “open” , “specialized” , or “unknown” . |
search_committee | An array of objects representing the search committee. Each object contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
search_effort | The text entered as the recruitment’s “Search Effort” | text |
search_firm | The search firm involved with the recruitment | text |
search_firm_documents | An array of objects that represent documents that provide evidence of which search firm is helping with the search and how they are advertising the position. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
search_outcome | Explains the outcome of this search. | string |
search_outcome_comment | Comment explaining the initial search outcome of this Recruitment | text |
search_plan | An object that represents the search plan, if this recruitment has a search plan snapshot. contains subfields. |
object |
search_plan_documents | An array of objects that represent documents attached to the search plan. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
search_reports | An array of objects that represent the recruitment’s generated search reports. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
search_report_documents | An array of objects that represent documents attached to the recruitment’s generated search reports. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
search_sources | An array of objects representing the search sources that applicants could have picked during the application process. Each object contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
search_status | Status of the recruitment | string |
selection_criteria | The text entered as the recruitment’s “Selection Criteria” | text |
selection_plan | The text entered as the recruitment’s “Selection Plan” | text |
shortlist_reports | An array of objects that represent the recruitment’s generated shortlist reports. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
shortlist_report_documents | An array of objects that represent documents attached to the recruitment’s generated shortlist reports. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
specializations | The specializations that applicants may declare for this search | Array of strings |
submission_process | The string represents the recruitment’s submission process and can be “legacy_review_dates”, “legacy_open_close_final”, “undeclared_submission_process”, or “review_windows” |
string |
supporting_documents | An array of objects that represent any additional documents regarding the recruitment that do not fit any other category. Each element contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
tags | Tags associated with the recruitment | Array of strings |
updated_at | A timestamp revealing the last time any of the information provided was changed | ISO8601 date |
veils | An array of objects that represent the recruitment’s veils, which progressively disclose applicant fields during the application review process. Contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
Fields for recruitments (short) |
Format | |
id | The internal identifier used to refer to the Recruitment. DO NOT USE the id when referencing the recruitment; use the job_number instead (see example above). |
integer |
job_number | The external identifier, commonly used to advertise and track the Recruitment. Can be used to access the recruitment’s complete information; see above. |
string |
name | The human-readable name of the Recruitment | string |
Fields for applicants |
Format | |
activity_log | An array of objects representing the activity log of each applicant. Contains subfields. | Array of Objects |
affiliation | The applicant’s current place of employment. | string |
applicant_degree | An object representing information about the applicant’s highest degree. Contains subfields. | Object |
application_comments | An array of comments made on the application by reviewers, analysts, etc. Contains subfields. | Array of Objects |
application_flags | Flags put on the application by reviewers, analysts, etc. Contains subfields. | Array of Objects |
application_id | The application’s unique and immutable identifier; can be used to track this particular application over time, or to join with data from the recruitment demographics API. | A number |
application_status | The current status of the application | string (statuses) |
appointment_start_date | If hired, the date that the applicant began their hired-for appointment | ISO8601 date if hired; null if not |
basic_qualifications | An object representing information about the applicant’s basic qualifications. Contains subfields. | Object |
candidate_narrative | The candidate narrative entered by the analyst. Contains subfields. | Object |
code_name | A human-readable string, suitable for display, that is used to identify the applicant when their identity is veiled. | string |
completion | The applicant’s completion progress. Contains subfields. | Object |
current_job_title | The applicants job title at their current place of employment. | string |
disposition_comment | The comment made on the application by whoever assigned its disposition. If no comment has been made, will be null . Contains subfields. |
Object |
disposition_reasons | An array of disposition reasons assigned to the applicant. If no reasons have been selected, will be empty. Contains subfields. | Array of Objects |
decline_reasons | The reasons why an applicant declined the offer | Array of strings |
decline_reasons_comment | Additional information about the decline reason. If no comment has been made, will be null. Contains subfields. | Object |
documents | An array documents (application and reference) associated with the applicant. If there no documents, the array will be empty. Contains subfields. | Array of Objects |
The applicant’s provided email address | text | |
employee_id | If hired, the employee id given to the applicant | text if hired; null if not |
evaluations | Evaluations by batch round. Contains subfields. | Array of Objects |
first_name | The applicant’s first name | text |
id | DEPRECATED; please use application_id instead.The applicant’s unique and immutable identifier; can be used to track this particular user over time, unlike username which can be modified |
A number |
is_finalized | true if the applicant has provided all required information for the Recruitment, or was manually finalized by the analyst | boolean |
last_name | The applicant’s last name. | text |
level_name | The name of the applicant’s selected level in a multi-level recruitment. If the recruitment is single-level, the field is blank. | text |
mailing_address | The applicant’s mailing address. | text |
phone | The applicant’s phone number. | string |
portfolio_ulid | Identifies this applicant across all their applications in all recruitments at your campus. If the applicant has not verified their email address, this will be null . |
string in ULID format |
search_sources | An array of the search sources that the applicant reported as where they heard about the position. Returns an empty array when no search sources have been selected by the user. | Array of strings |
specializations | The specializations that the applicant is declaring for this search. In a recruitment using ranked list specializations, the specializations are in the order that the applicant specified, most-important first. | Array of strings |
status_history | An array of status changes that show the history of the application. Contains subfields. | Array of objects |
references | The references for an applicant. Only present when references are required. Contains subfields | Array of objects |
review_window | The review window to which the applicant is assigned. Contains subfields. | Object |
submitted_at | A timestamp of when the applicant submitted their application to the recruitment. | ISO8601 date |
survey_response | The answers to the applicant’s survey. Always present, even if the applicant has yet to take the survey. Contains subfields | Object |
urls | An Object containing URLs associated with the applicant. Contains subfields. | Object |
username | The applicant’s chosen screen name; used to log in | text |
veil | The name of the veil that is currently applied to the applicant’s application | text |
website | The website the applicant provided when they applied | URL, as a string |
Fields for ad sources |
Format | |
created_at | When this ad source was created | ISO8601 date |
created_by_external_user_id | The external_id of the creator of this ad source | text |
name | The name of the ad source | text |
updated at | When this ad source was last changed | ISO8601 date |
Fields for departments |
Format | |
external_id | The external_id provided for this department | text |
name | The human-readable name of the department | text |
tags | Tags associated with the department | Array of strings |
Fields for schools |
Format | |
abbreviation | The abbreviation used to identify this school | text |
address | The physical address of this school | text |
external_id | The external_id provided for this school | text |
name | The human-readable name of the school | text |
tags | Tags associated with the school | Array of strings |
Fields for cross listings |
Format | |
department | An object representing the department this listing appears in. Contains subfields. |
Object |
school | An object representing the department this listing appears in. Contains subfields. |
Object |
Fields for titles |
Format | |
code | DEPRECATED; Please use job_code instead. Previous use: The code that identifies the title |
up to four characters |
job_code | The code that identifies the title | string |
name | The name of the title | text |
Fields for review windows |
Format | |
created_at | The date that this review window was created | ISO8601 date |
date | DEPRECATED; please use ends_at instead | ISO8601 date |
ends_at | The date when a review window ends, and after which applicants who completed in that window can be reviewed | ISO8601 date |
external_user_id | The external_user_id of the user who created this review window | text |
Fields for completion |
Format | |
date | The date at which the application was completed. | ISO8601 date |
description | A human-readable string, suitable for display, that tells how the application was completed. If you need a persistent value to track across time, use completion.state instead. |
string |
state | The internal code identifying the applicant’s self-selected veteran status. Usable as a long-term key. | If complete, a string; null otherwise. |
Fields for levels |
Format | |
affirmative_action_goals | The recruitment’s selected affirmative action goals | Array of strings |
created_at | when this level was created. | ISO8601 date |
description | The description of this level. Provides context to the applicants to help them choose which level they should apply to | string, containing Markdown |
document_process_explanation | The explanation of the document process, as shown to applicants on the apply page | string |
document_requirements | An array of objects that describe the document requirements for the level. Contains subfields. | Array of objects |
name | The name of this level | string |
position_title | The position title specified by an analyst, based on the position title codes | string, containing Markdown |
reference_process_explanation | The explanation of the reference process, as shown to applicants on the apply page | string |
titles | An array of objects representing the titles defined for the level. Each element is an object that contains subfields. | Array of objects |
updated_at | when this level was last changed. | ISO8601 date |
Fields for document requirements |
Format | |
created_at | The date that this document requirement was created | ISO8601 date |
description | The description of this document requirement, which provides more context about what should be provided. | string, containing Markdown |
name | The name of this document requirement. | string |
required | true if the document must be provided for an application to be considered complete. |
boolean |
requisite_status | The document requisites for the level. required if the document must be provided for the application to be considered complete. optional if the document can be provided but is not required for the application to be considered complete. not_requested if the document is not requested for the level |
string (required|optional|not_requested) |
tardy | Present only if this document was added after the recruitment began. Contains subfields. |
Object |
updated at | when this document requirement was last changed. | ISO8601 date |
Fields for HERC categories |
Format | |
code | The HERC code of the category. | number |
division | The name of the category’s division. | text |
division_code | The HERC code of the category’s division. | number |
name | The name of the category. | text |
Fields for applicant degrees |
Format | |
advisors | The name(s) of the advisor(s) for the degree | Array of strings |
date | The date the degree was obtained | text |
degree_disciplines | Disciplines associated with the application. Contains subfields. | Object |
disciplines_description | Optional description when an “Other” or non-standard discipline is chosen. | string |
dissertation_title | The dissertation title | text |
institution | The name of the institution at which the degree was obtained | string |
name | The name of the degree | text |
Fields for search committee members |
Format | |
external_user_id | The external_user_id of the committee member | text |
role_name | The member’s role in the search committee | text |
Fields for search sources |
Format | |
archived_at | Present only if this search source was archived. If present, this shows when the search source was hidden from applicants. | null or an ISO8601 date |
name | The name of the search source, visible to applicants when they select it | text |
scopes | An array of objects that identify why this search source was shown in this recruitment. Contains subfields. | Array of objects |
total_count | The number of applications that selected this search source. Note that this count is for all responses, and does not account for completeness of application or basic qualifications. | A number |
Fields for search source scopes |
Format | |
created_at | When this scope was added. If a scope was added during the recruitment period, applicants who applied before that date were not able to select it. | ISO8601 date |
name | Identifies where the search source was added. Suitable for display. Depending on the resource_type , this will be one of: "Whole campus" , a school name, a qualified department name, or the name of this recruitment. |
text |
resource_type | Determines what kind of scope this is. A "Tool" -scoped source is shown for every recruitment on the campus. A "School" -scoped source is shown for all recruitments in that school, and a "Department" -scoped source is shown for all recruitments in that department. A "Recruitment" -scoped source is only shown for this recruitment. |
text |
Fields for status history |
Format | |
created_at | The time that the application moved into this status | ISO8601 date |
external_user_id | The external_user_id of the user that moved the application into this status, or null if the move was initiated by the applicant |
text or null |
status | The name of the status the application was in | text |
Fields for veils |
Format | |
covers | An array of short descriptions of what the veil hides from the applications it is applied on | Array of strings |
description | The description of the veil | text or null |
name | The name of the veil | text |
Fields for activity log |
Format | |
created_at | The date this log entry was created | ISO8601 date |
external_user_id | The external_user_id of the user who created this log entry | text |
status | Describes the action that was performed, i.e. “Status changed to Complete” | text |
Fields for candidate narratives |
Format | |
last_edited_at | The date and time the narrative was last edited | ISO8601 date |
last_edited_by_external_user_id | The external_user_id of the person who last edited the narrative | text |
text | The candidate narrative text | text |
Fields for comments |
Format | |
comment | The text of the comment | text |
created_at | The time that the comment was initially created | ISO8601 date |
external_user_id | The external_user_id of the user who made the comment | text |
updated_at | The time that the comment was last updated | ISO8601 date |
Fields for disposition reasons |
Format | |
category | The name of the category that this reason belongs to. | One of "met" or "unmet" |
reason | The reason selected | text |
Fields for documents |
Format | |
content_type | The content type (MIME type) of the file | text |
created_at | The date/time, in PST, the file was uploaded. | text |
file_type_name | The name associated to the type of document. Each recruitment defines its own file type names. Examples of application file type names include: “Curriculum Vitae”, “Cover Letter”, etc. The reference file type name will be formatted as: “Reference file: <name of reference>”. If a file type name is not linked to the document, this field will show “Not found”. | text |
filename | The name of the file. | text |
size | The size, in bytes, of the file. | text |
updated_at | The date/time, in PST, the file’s metadata (filename, etc.) was updated. | text |
urls | An Object containing URLs associated with the document. Contains subfields. | Object |
Fields for application flags |
Format | |
external_user_id | The external_user_id of the user who added the flag | text |
name | The name of the flag | text |
Fields for basic qualifications |
Format | |
are | The “bucket” of basic qualifications that the applicant has been placed into. If no basic qualifications assessment has been performed, this field will be “unknown”. | String; “met”, “unmet”, or “unknown” |
marked_at | The date the applicant was placed into their current bucket. If no basic qualifications assessment has been performed, this field is not present. | ISO8601 date |
marked_by_external_user_id | The external_user_id of the user who placed the applicant into their current bucket. If no basic qualifications assessment has been performed, this field is not present. | text |
Fields for references |
Format | |
affiliation | A string indicating the reference’s affiliation to the applicant. | string |
The reference’s email address. | string | |
letter_received | Whether or not the reference letter has been uploaded. | boolean |
mailing_address | The reference’s mailing address. | text |
name | The name of the reference. | string |
notified_by_analyst | Whether or not the analyst has sent a reference letter request. | boolean |
notified_by_applicant | Whether or not the reference letter has been requested. | boolean |
phone | The reference’s phone number. | string |
title | The reference’s title at their place of employment. | string |
Fields for survey response |
Format | |
ad_source | DEPRECATED; Please use the search_sources field under the applicants key. A human-readable string identifying source that the applicant reported as where they heard about the position. May change as time goes on; if you need to compare long-term datasets, use ad_source_code, below. To simplify displaying data, will always contain a string; if the applicant has yet to take the survey, will be the string “No response”. |
text |
ad_source_code | DEPRECATED; ad_source_code is not provided anymore The internal code identifying the source that the applicant reported as where they heard about the position. Usable as a long-term key. If the applicant has yet to take the survey, will be null . |
text or null |
veteran_status | DEPRECATED; veteran_status is not provided anymore. A human-readable string identifying the applicant’s self-selected veteran status. May change as time goes on; if you need to compare long-term datasets, use veteran_status_code , below.To simplify displaying data, will always contain a string; if the applicant has yet to take the survey, will be the string “No response”. If the applicant took the survey but declined to answer this question, will be the string “Declined”. |
text |
veteran_status_code | DEPRECATED; veteran_status_code is not provided anymore. The internal code identifying the applicant’s self-selected veteran status. Usable as a long-term key. If the applicant has yet to take the survey, will be null .If the applicant took the survey before this question was asked, will be `not_asked`. |
text or null |
Fields for offers |
Format | |
anticipated_start_date | The date that the applicant is expected to start. | ISO8601 date, or null |
appointments | An array of objects representing all appointments the applicant will fill. Contains subfields. |
Array of objects |
created_at | The date the offer was added to Recruit. | ISO8601 date |
starting_salary | The total salary the applicant will earn when they start | number or null |
updated_at | The date the offer was last changed in Recruit. | ISO8601 date |
Fields for appointments |
Format | |
department | An object representing the department the appointment is in. Contains subfields. |
Object |
discipline | The discipline the appointment covers. | text |
percent_time | What percent of an FTE the appointment fills. | a number between 1 and 100 |
recruitment_title | An object representing the title the appointment grants. Contains subfields. |
Object |
Fields for applicant pool and shortlist reports |
Format | |
approval | The report’s approval process Contains subfields. |
Object (can be ) |
created_at | When this report was created | ISO8601 date |
updated_at | When this report was last modified | ISO8601 date |
Fields for search plans |
Format | |
approval | The report’s approval process Contains subfields. |
Object (can be null ) |
created_at | When this report was created | ISO8601 date |
generated_by_external_user_id | The external user id of the user who generated this report. | string |
updated_at | When this report was last modified | ISO8601 date |
Fields for search reports |
Format | |
approval | The report’s approval process Contains subfields. |
Object (can be null ) |
created_at | When this report was created | ISO8601 date |
generated_by_external_user_id | The external user id of the user who generated this report | string |
most_recent_review_date | An object representing the review window within which an application must be completed to be considered for inclusion in the search report. Each object contains subfields. |
Object |
name | The display name given to this report, to distinguish it from other search reports | string |
updated_at | When this report was last modified | ISO8601 date |
Fields for approvals |
Format | |
approvers | An array of objects representing the steps that this approval must take to be approved. Each element contains subfields. |
string |
comments | An array of objects representing the comments made on this approval. Each element contains subfields. |
string |
created_at | When this approval was submitted | ISO8601 date |
generated_by_external_user_id | The external user id of the user who generated this report. | string |
updated_at | When this approval was last modified. Includes comments added, approvers filled, and changes to the approved object. |
ISO8601 date |
Fields for approvers |
Format | |
name | The name of the approver role. | string |
required | Whether the approver role is required. | boolean |
created_at | When the approver role was added to the approval. | ISO8601 date |
updated_at | When this approver role was last modified. | ISO8601 date |
filled_by_external_user_id | The external id of the user who made the decision. | string |
Fields for owners |
Format | |
alias | The alias of the user. | string |
external_user_id | The external_id of the user who owns this Recruitment | string |
id | The internal identifier used to refer to the user. | integer |
last_first_name | The last and first name of the user. | string; “<last name>, <first name>” |
name | The name of the user in the format. | string; “<first name> <last name>” |
Fields for approval documents |
Format | |
comment | A comment on the file attached to an approval. If no comment has been made, will be null. | string |
created_at | When this approver step was submitted. | ISO8601 date |
description | A description of the file attached to an approval. | string |
filled_at | When this approver step was filled by someone, if it is filled. | ISO8601 date (can be null ) |
filled_by_external_user_id | The external user id of the user who filled this step, if it is filled. | string (can be null ) |
name | The name of the step. Explains who can fill it. |
string |
updated_at | When this approval was last modified. | ISO8601 date |
urls | urls related to the document including a download link | array of objects |
Fields for urls |
Fields for applicants urls |
Format | |
review | The application’s review page URL. | string |
Fields for documents urls |
Format | |
download | The download url to the document. | string |
Fields for information links |
Format | |
label | The label of the link that also serves as a brief description. | string |
url | The url of the link. | string |
Fields for degree disciplines |
Format | |
code | Unique code to identify each discipline according to the classification of instructional programs (CIP). | string |
title | Descriptive title of discipline. | string |
Fields for tardy |
Format | |
added_at | When the tardy document was added. | ISO8601 date |
email_sent | true if an email was sent to applicants alerting them of the new document. |
boolean |
Fields for evaluations |
Format | |
batch round | The batch round in which the evaluation took place. Contains subfields | Array of Objects |
retain | Whether disposition reasons and comments are retained for subsequent batch rounds. | Boolean |
disposition_reasons | An array of disposition reasons assigned to the applicant. If no reasons have been selected, will be empty. Contains subfields. | Array of Objects |
disposition_comment | The comment made on the application by whoever assigned its disposition. If no comment has been made, will be null . Contains subfields. |
Object |
last_status_reached | The last status the application was in at the time the associated batch round was completed. | Array of Objects |
Fields for batch rounds |
Format | |
status | The status of the batch round. | Text |
name | The name of the batch round. | Text |
round_number | The batch round number. | Integer |
created_by_external_user_id | The external_id of the creator of this batch round. | Text |
most_recent_review_date | An object representing the review window within which an application must be completed to be considered for inclusion in the search report. Each object contains subfields. |
Object |
completed_at | The date and time the batch round was completed. | ISO8601 date |
created_at | When this batch round was created. | ISO8601 date |
updated_at | When this batch round was created. | ISO8601 date |
Fields for recruitment documents |
Format | |
description | A description of the file attached to an approval. If no description was provided, will be null. | string |
comment | A comment on the file attached to an approval. If no comment has been made, will be null. | string |
filename | The name of the uploaded file | string |
urls | An Object containing URLs associated with the document. Contains subfields. | Object |
batch_round | The batch round that the document is associated with. Contains subfields | Object |
applicant_ulids | An Array of ULIDs of the applicants associated with the document. | Array of Strings |
Definitions for application statuses |
Draft | Applicant has not finished application | |
Applied | Application has been completed and is ready for evaluation and review | |
Serious consideration | Applicant should be considered for advancement | |
Recommended for preliminary interview | Applicant recommended to receive a preliminary interview to judge qualifications | |
Preliminary interview completed | Applicant has received a preliminary interview to judge qualifications | |
Recommended for interview | Applicant has been recommended for interview | |
Interview completed | Applicant has been interviewed | |
Soft offer extended | A verbal or informal off has been made to the applicant, even if it lacked some offer details | |
Declined soft offer | The applicant declined a verbal or informal offer based on the details they were given | |
Proposed candidate | Applicant has been recommended for appointment | |
Declined soft offer after proposed candidate | After being recommended for appointment, the applicant has declined a verbal or informal offer based on the details they were given | |
Offered | Approvals have been obtained and a formal offer has been made to the applicant | |
Accepted offer | Approvals have been obtained and a formal offer has been accepted by the applicant | |
Declined offer | Approvals have been obtained and a formal offer has been declined by the applicant | |
Declined after accepted offer |
Approvals have been obtained, but a formal offer was declined by the applicant after being accepted
Hired | Applicant has been entered into the payroll system in searched title | |
Withdrawn without applying | Applicant has withdrawn themselves from consideration before completing their application | |
Withdrawn after applying | Applicant has withdrawn themselves from consideration | |
Withdrawn after serious consideration | Applicant withdrew themselves from consideration after being considered for advancement | |
Withdrawn after recommended for preliminary interview | Applicant withdrew themselves from consideration after being recommended for a preliminary interview | |
Withdrawn after preliminary interview completed | Applicant withdrew themselves from consideration after a preliminary interview was held | |
Withdrawn after recommended for interview | Applicant has withdrawn themselves from consideration after being recommended for an interview | |
Withdrawn after interview completed | Applicant withdrew themselves from consideration after an interview was held | |
Withdrawn after proposed candidate | Applicant has withdrawn themselves from consideration after being recommended for appointment | |
Withdrawn after permanently deselected | Applicant withdrew themselves from consideration after the campus removed them from consideration for this recruitment. | |
Campus declined to make offer | Campus has declined to make a formal offer of employment to the proposed candidate | |
Permanently deselected | Applicant has been removed from consideration for this recruitment; they are not a viable candidate for any possible hires coming out of this pool |