Dance at UCI

Coming to UCI, I had no idea how big of a deal dance was. With two left feet, joining a dance team was the last thing on my list but I’ve learned so so much about the UCI dance community in the last couple weeks and would love to share it with you guys.

During week 0 the teams held workshops to teach their choreography and promote auditions. I went to a couple of the workshops with my friends and even though I can’t dance, it was fun to get out of my comfort zone and meet some amazing people. That was my first taste of the dance community followed by ALL UCI 8.

At ALL UCI, the major dance teams like Urban Motus, MCIA, Kaba Modern, CADC showcased one of their pieces and I was literally amazed by how they’re so precise and passionate about dance. Watch this video of Common Ground’s piece, it’s insane. There were also 3 v 3 dance battle and that got so heated so fast. You could feel their energy around the room as we were mesmerized by their movements.

As the quarter started, the teams started their audition weeks. It varies from team to team, but generally, the team holds a week workshops to teach their audition pieces. I swear I never saw my dance friends before 2 AM during those weeks. Then on audition day, everyone comes to the student center stage and performs the pieces to try to get on the team.

I went to cheer on my friend during his MCIA audition and it was insane. Everyone auditioning has put so much time and effort into learning the pieces and they’re so passionate and energetic, it’s infectious. Based off the performances, the team picks dancers they like to interview and then chooses the people who make the team! (Shout out to my friend Robert who made Urmo!!)

Besides the audition teams, there’s also the KASA freshman dance off. It’s a freshmen only dance team that competes with KASA teams from other schools in this huge event in LA. I thought the auditions were intense but that’s literally child’s play compared to the amount of time and effort people in KASA put in. The week leading up to the competition, they practiced at least 7 PM-5 AM everyday. Every. Single. Day. However, it seemed like a really fun experience and you get to bond with other freshmen dancers too! Everyone makes it since there’s no auditions so this is definitely a cool option if you want to try out dance.

I’m definitely NOT an expert on dance teams, but I can tell the dance culture at UCI is huge. Teams like LVO give people a chance to join a team with no experience and teams like CADC give experienced dancers a place to thrive and show off their skills. No matter what level you are, there’s a dance team for you at UCI. There’s a sense of family you get when you spend twelve hours a week with a group of people that can’t be matched.