Dance at UCI

Coming to UCI, I had no idea how big of a deal dance was. With two left feet, joining a dance team was the last thing on my list but I’ve learned so so much about the UCI dance community in the last couple weeks and would love to share it with you guys.

During week 0 the teams held workshops to teach their choreography and promote auditions. I went to a couple of the workshops with my friends and even though I can’t dance, it was fun to get out of my comfort zone and meet some amazing people. That was my first taste of the dance community followed by ALL UCI 8.

At ALL UCI, the major dance teams like Urban Motus, MCIA, Kaba Modern, CADC showcased one of their pieces and I was literally amazed by how they’re so precise and passionate about dance. Watch this video of Common Ground’s piece, it’s insane. There were also 3 v 3 dance battle and that got so heated so fast. You could feel their energy around the room as we were mesmerized by their movements.

As the quarter started, the teams started their audition weeks. It varies from team to team, but generally, the team holds a week workshops to teach their audition pieces. I swear I never saw my dance friends before 2 AM during those weeks. Then on audition day, everyone comes to the student center stage and performs the pieces to try to get on the team.

I went to cheer on my friend during his MCIA audition and it was insane. Everyone auditioning has put so much time and effort into learning the pieces and they’re so passionate and energetic, it’s infectious. Based off the performances, the team picks dancers they like to interview and then chooses the people who make the team! (Shout out to my friend Robert who made Urmo!!)

Besides the audition teams, there’s also the KASA freshman dance off. It’s a freshmen only dance team that competes with KASA teams from other schools in this huge event in LA. I thought the auditions were intense but that’s literally child’s play compared to the amount of time and effort people in KASA put in. The week leading up to the competition, they practiced at least 7 PM-5 AM everyday. Every. Single. Day. However, it seemed like a really fun experience and you get to bond with other freshmen dancers too! Everyone makes it since there’s no auditions so this is definitely a cool option if you want to try out dance.

I’m definitely NOT an expert on dance teams, but I can tell the dance culture at UCI is huge. Teams like LVO give people a chance to join a team with no experience and teams like CADC give experienced dancers a place to thrive and show off their skills. No matter what level you are, there’s a dance team for you at UCI. There’s a sense of family you get when you spend twelve hours a week with a group of people that can’t be matched.

Halfway There

As of thirty minutes ago, I have completed both my Sociology and Econ midterms, with just Accounting left to go. I’m half asleep so I apologize if some things come out as incoherent, but I’ll try my best to convey my thoughts as best as possible. I think the best word to describe the whole experience would be exhausting. There’s definitely a special kind of pressure you feel when you know that thirty or forty percent of your grade is dependent on one test.

My studying pretty much consisted of staring at powerpoint slides for hours and hours until I could recite every word in my sleep. Both my econ and sociology professor told us that the midterms would be on what they taught in class, so I figured that if I could remember everything from the slides I would do okay. Having just finished my sociology test, I think I did well, but I suppose you can never be too sure. Does anyone else ever worry about stupid mistakes? No matter how many times I double check my scantron, I always worry afterwards that I accidentally bubbled everything one row down. Or maybe I didn’t bubble dark enough, or maybe I didn’t write my name. I know realistically that won’t really be an issue, but when the test is that important it’s hard not to worry about the littlest things.

Upon reflection, I really should’ve gotten more sleep. I’m pretty much right there with Nancy and her messed up sleep schedule. For me and my dorm mates, the norm has become going to sleep at 5 and waking up at 12. That definitely can’t be healthy, but I think only divine intervention could help fix it now.

I’ve never really thought about it, but finishing midterms almost feels sad. I mean it’s a great feeling, but it’s like for the past days I’ve been studying with extreme focus and with a clear goal in mind. Now that it’s over I have so much free time. I can watch Netflix, play games, hang out with friends freely now, but my main purpose for existing is now gone (I’m mostly joking by the way). How can I fill this void left in my life??? I mean, I say this now but I know I’m gonna be eating my words once I start studying for my accounting midterm, and then finals in only a few more weeks (;へ:)

I guess if I had to give any advice, not that I’m especially qualified to, it would be DON’T PROCRASTINATE. I’ve thankfully avoided procrastinating in college so far, but I’m pretty sure that can only lead to bad things like failing your midterm and class and yeah I don’t want to think about it.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading this extremely rambley and sleep deprived blog post, and I wish all of you the best of luck on your remaining midterms. (•̀o•́)ง


People say the quarter system goes fast, but you have no idea how fast until you experience it. I feel like I just moved in, but we’re already on Week 5! You know what that means? Midterm season!! Woohoo! I actually had my Bio 93 midterm two weeks ago because I have two midterms for that class and I’m cramming for my Chem 1A midterm tomorrow. Keep reading to hear about my crazy midterm experiences!

People have different ways with dealing with midterms. I have friends I haven’t seen since midterm season started because they’re always studying or others just nap through the whole day. Personally, I study in the common room in groups because my loft desk is too dark. (A loft desk is under a bed with only a top bunk so the lights don’t really reach it.) But regardless, midterms mean long late nights of studying (or messing around…).

Midterms destroyed my sleeping schedule. I usually go to sleep around 3 AM and wake up at 8 AM to study. Sounds insane right? Honestly, I’m impressed too because I used to sleep a solid eight to nine hours but my body got used to it. Also, I’m on some alternative clock now because once when I was studying with friends, my friend left to go to sleep. I said “It’s still early!” thinking it was eight, but it was actually midnight. Oops.

But no worries, I have tips for midterms! The first one is to find a study group. Work through the material yourself first and then work with friends to clarify concepts you don’t understand. Bouncing ideas off others and talking through concepts help to understand it. (Tip: If you can explain it to someone else, you know it really well!) Review practice exams because they are super similar to the actual midterm, trust. Review the lecture slides because if your professor took time to go over it in class, it’s important and will probably be on the test. Another thing I did to really make myself focus was delete Facebook and Instagram on my phone because they’re way to distracting for me. I can’t handle endless scrolling, I’ll be there for hours. It’s a little drastic, but so effective.

I can’t stress self care enough! Make sure to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally! You should be your first priority. Take breaks to destress by walking around Middle or Mesa at night. It’s super refreshing to just walk around in the fresh air. Or take advantage of late night and grab something to eat to destress! Make sure to know your own limits and say no to going out if you know you need to study. I love to Facetime my friend at UCSD to catch up because it’s so comforting keep old friendships strong.

Hang in there everyone! Midterms are almost over and I believe in you!

Midterm Musings

Hello again readers! So midterm season has ended or is close to ending for many students here at UCI. So I wanted to share my experiences of going through the first midterm of my career at UCI. Just an FYI, I only had to take 2 midterms this quarter, one for Math 2A (Calculus) and one for Environmental Engineering Challenges (EngRCEE) 60. While I was not expecting to have anything from the professors to use for review my math professor gave us a .pdf for a sample midterm and told us the lecture before what specifically was going to be on the test. My environmental engineering class wasn’t so generous.

The way I studied for the Math 2A midterm was quite the story, so my roommate Felix, our friend Brendon and I were heading back to the dorm room after eating dinner at the Anteatery (the cafeteria for Mesa Court residents) and we are discussing how we got stuck on a question or two on the sample midterm. Then Brendon suggests we join him in the study room that one of the people in our dorm had reserved for themselves. It’s important to note here that we accepted the invitation because Felix and I were under the impression that we were going to get help with the problems we had problems with.

Either way, fast forward a few minutes and we are in the study room and introducing ourselves to the others in there and I brought up the questions I had issues with. From there I asked the group if they finished it and if I could see their work for it. To my surprise everyone looked at me like I was crazy then soon after said they didn’t even do the sample midterm yet. Keep in mind that this is the night before the exam. So as it ended up, Felix and I ended up teaching the other people in that 2 hour study session. Looking back, it was probably better for the both of us that we ended up teaching people how to do the problems because it helped us understand the process of how to solve such a problem.

In short, go to study sessions with your friends because even if you end up teaching the entire room how to do that problem, you will remember how to solve it better than everyone else in that room.

“You have to, in some ways, trust in the human spirit and in human ingenuity.” Ariel Garten

The studying for Math 2A continued later that night in my dorm room with Felix, a new friend we made called Wong, and I. We were discussing how to solve all the problem in the sample midterm again but we had no space to write out our work or to see it visually. Then I remembered that my dad gave me a huge roll of paper and said “You’re probably going to need this to write down ideas and what not.” So we hung it up on the wall next to my bed using one of Felix’s old belts and my tie connected to the bars that hold up the curtain in our room. One thing I definitely didn’t expect to do in college is use a belt and tie to hold up a roll of paper so that we could write math problems on it. From there we were able to write our problems down on paper and actually see the process in how to solve the many problems on the sample midterm. Fast forward to around 2am where we just finished reviewing for the last time and are in the process of cleaning up and getting ready for bed. In my extremely tired state was like “Hey Felix, you know what we should do with our work for the sample midterm? Make a scroll out of it like those you see in China.” Then I proceeded to roll up the paper and seal it with a sticky note. I really don’t remember what came over me but that’s how we decided to keep all the stuff we write on that paper from then on. So now we just have scrolls of test prep on top of my dresser.

Moral of the story here, learn in whatever way makes you remember the material best, for both me and Felix, we prefer to see things drawn out so that we can understand the process of how to get to the right answer. Also, don’t stay up late the night before a midterm!

My final story comes from the EngRCEE 60 midterm but before that we need to explain the circumstances of the story. So the night before the EngRCEE 60 lecture, Felix and I were browsing through the PowerPoint lectures that our professor uploaded and trying to review. We came upon this one slide about the Romans and how they were one of the best civilizations to study civil engineering from because of their aqueducts, public baths, fountains, and most importantly their toilets. On the slide that we were looking at showed the remnants of a roman toilet and I explained the photo of where the person would sit and do their business, where they would wipe themselves down, and where they would return the sponge stick after they were done. Felix believed that the professor wouldn’t test us on the role of each part of the toilet but I was adamant about it since she spent a solid 10 minutes in lecture talking about it but we continued onward until the end of the lecture PowerPoints. The professor actually didn’t fully finish the last PowerPoint we covered but just in case, we looked through it till the end.

Now on that midterm, the extra stuff we covered was actually not even talked about remotely so sadly we wasted time on memorizing things that were not going to be tested. But you know what was covered? The roles of the various parts of the Roman toilets. You wouldn’t believe the grin I had on my face when I turned the page and there was a grainy photo of a Roman with the directions Label. You know that feeling when someone doubts you but then you prove them right? Yeah that was me for the remainder of the test. Either way, I caught up to Felix after we finished and was like “So that toilet question…” He said that he didn’t actually expect the professor to actually ask us the roles of the various parts of the roman toilet and so probably got that question wrong. I could say in response was “I told you so”

I guess the moral of the story here is that even if the information may be strange, you will probably be tested on it in some way so if your professor talks about something strange like an ancient toilet for ten minutes, it’s probably important or at least going to be tested on.

Zot On!
