Farewell to Finals, For Now

Dear Brandon ten weeks ago,

What’s up dude what’re you up to? I bet you’re playing video games huh. Stop playing video games and start studying boy you know better. Just kidding keep doing what you do and you’ll be fine, but please try and take better care of yourself during finals. We got through and did pretty well, (hopefully) but eating only a sandwich and coffee cakeĀ  because you can’t be bothered to stop studying really isn’t a good idea. You already eat so little already, any less and you’ll turn to dust. Grades are important but you know they don’t matter in comparison to your health, even though at times that idea may be hard to comprehend. Oh, and sleep more! Yay, no morning finals, that doesn’t mean you should sleep at 5 am every night. I wish I didn’t get into such a bad sleeping habits because the effects are tangible. You may be tempted to stay up all night studying. but don’t do it! It’s not worth it! Try not to let the stressful atmosphere of finals get to you either. I feel like there’s such a negative atmosphere that consumes UCI when finals come around, and I suppose that’s for a good reason, but for me personally seeing everyone else stressed makes me feel more stressed. It’s awesome seeing how the school tries to address it though. At middle earth at least they brought in puppies and offered free scantrons and other amenities. Kudos to the school for supporting the students like that. Well, I’m about to take off for San Jose. I’ve never written a letter to myself before so I’m not sure how I do this… I guess until the next time, have fun and study hard.


Present time Brandon