Wading Through the Wicked Waters of Winter Quarter

Okay I don’t know if wicked is the right word, but this quarter has definitely been a step up from the last. I was previously only taking twelve units, and now I’m up to sixteen. I think I can handle it though, as I’ve grown pretty comfortable at UCI. I’ve got a nice routine going and decent study habits to back it up. Last quarter was definitely a transitional period, and although I was excited to try new things, I was also a little apprehensive. I wasn’t sure whether I’d be able to balance studies and extracurriculars, so I erred towards the side of caution and left more time than I probably needed to for schoolwork. I don’t really put myself at fault for this, as I think it was good to establish that I could handle the course load of college. It’s definitely time to start being a little more adventurous though. I personally feel like if you limit your college experience to just focusing purely on academics, you’re missing out on so many potential experiences and opportunities. (Not that I would really know that well as a second quarter freshman)

I definitely want to get more physically active. I have this totally rad gym sitting ten minutes away from me and I only went like four times last quarter. Absolutely inexcusable. I definitely wanna try to work out a way to fit that in my week. Aside from that I wanna get involved in at least one more social club. Right now, the club I mainly attend is fighting game club, but maybe I’ll check out a cultural club or something like that. I would say I’m gonna work to get my sleep schedule back on track, but I’ve gotta keep my goals realistic. I’m not that disciplined yet. I’ve been considering looking for  a job too. Considering how much books cost, it wouldn’t hurt at all to get a little extra money. I had no idea how much I’d end up spending eating out too. The food around here is so good, but so expensive at the same time. I’ve never had the issue of not being able to choose which Korean barbecue or boba place to go to (not that that’s a bad thing).  I might apply to one of the restaurants at the terrace. I think my experience as a cook at Amato Pizzeria would come in handy there.

I hope that whoever reads our blog is as excited for the upcoming weeks as we are, and I’m looking forward to another fun quarter!

Until next time,
