With the first quarter done and over with, I am able to start the winter quarter fresh and new. There are things that I have learned about the college setting that makes creating my second quarter a whole lot easier. The first of which being class scheduling.
Since I am not a morning person, having classes before noon was a struggle. That’s why I tailored most of my classes to occur at around 12 PM. It was something that worked well for me the first quarter, and I decided to keep it for the second one as well. I also wanted so that I didn’t have to come back to my dorm over and over again between classes, so I made it so that the longest downtime I have between classes would be 50 minutes. This gives me an ideal schedule to work with.
The one major thing that didn’t work for me last quarter was the fact that I only had a few important classes. I wasn’t able to enroll in the amount of units that I really wanted. I have changed that this quarter by getting more 4 unit courses, thus getting enough credits for me to get sophomore status for the next year. That puts me on track for graduation, but getting into ICS is difficult so graduating with the right degree is hard.
Overall, the first weeks of the second quarter is a lot better than the first few weeks of the first quarter. I have gotten used to my roommates and hall members, and thus the aura of mystery and careful treading is gone. We are more open to each other, resulting in a chill atmosphere. My sleeping schedule is still the same though. It works out for me, since my classes are around the same time, but on the other hand, it works against me since my roommates have earlier classes. Still, I enjoy their company and the extra hours of interrupted sleep is a cheap price to pay.