Self care is an important aspect of surviving life. And since college is just a part of your life, proper self care can be used to help you get through the tough times in college. Now, the term self care can be interpreted in many different ways. It varies from person to person. One might think exercising is a great form of self care while another might think that is hard work and determination and is no way relaxing. If you are anything like me, exercising is a special event that is reserved for special occasions, such as running with an old friend that you haven’t seen in years. My type of self care focuses mainly on indoor relaxation, either on the computer or in bed.
Video games offers a nice form of relaxation for me. Simple games like Stardew Valley offers a farm to take care of, letting me control the world and blow off steam. MMO’s like Guild Wars 2 and Black Desert Online is also fun to play casually although it can be frustrating at times. Watching anime also helps as well, but sometimes you could get too into it and binge an entire series, which isn’t too good. This form of self care allows me to take my mind off of my current problems, making it peaceful to a degree. Of course you would still need to finish whatever work is given, but a small break can help boost productivity later. This is a great way for me to mentally unwind after a long day of classes. Keeping a notebook with emotional problems help me get through emotional problems. Starting it at first is difficult, but when you look at the past situations that you have gotten through, it helps boost moral and get you through the problem.
My way to relax in between classes is to play Pokemon Go. There are many Pokestops around campus so getting into the game becomes easier. Also it can be used to familiarize yourself with the area, and even connect with other people who play. Pokemon was part of my childhood so being able to walk around and catch them whenever I want is fun and relaxing. You could also use it to pass time if you have large gaps between classes.