How to Hopefully Avoid Burnout 101

There’s a project due Wednesday. Then a paper due the next day. And of course you should have already started studying for your midterm on Friday. College and grades are important. But mental health should be your higher priority. With all the deadlines on top of midterms, the amount of stress you feel can be overwhelming to the point of suffocation. It may sound counterintuitive, but it is important to spend a few moments away from studying and homework in order to practice self care.

Everyone has their own methods to de-stress. But I would start with making sure you complete a few simple tasks, such as drinking enough water and getting enough hours of sleep, which can really make a difference in your state of mind. For me personally, when the weight of midterms gets too overbearing I spend time with my family or I exercise. I usually do mud masks with my sister or I will babysit my two month old cousin for a few hours. Getting some fresh air by taking a 30 to 45 minute walk outside also clears my mind. Even before I take a midterm or a final I will walk a couple miles- just circling around Aldrich Park- to burn off any nervous energy. 

Stress is a normal aspect of life. In small amounts, it is just an indicator that you care about something. But like everything else in life, it needs to be taken in moderation. The most important part is that you should occasionally to take a step back and take a breath. Find a balance between studying hard and making time for the activities you enjoy. Go to dinner with a friend. Play video games. Do a face mask. Make your mental health just a high priority as college is.