Ah yes. Week 5 of winter quarter. Halfway through the quarter (and the year!) which also means the return of those dreaded midterms. This quarter I have found that now that I am relatively adjusted to college life, my attention seems to be more consumed by academics. A downside to the quarter system is that in such a small amount of time, it is easy to get wrapped into the fast pace of your courses, and in that process you might forget to tend to your own well-being.
While it is easy to get overwhelmed and stressed by the neverending workload, I always remember self-care first. I am the type of person who finds relief in little things, and so despite feeling like I am constantly stuck on a schedule, the moments in which I have time to myself makes me feel better.
When it comes to self-care or stress relief I enjoy the moments of college where everything I can just forget about work for even just a moment. During passing periods between classes for example, I love getting to listen to music and admire the scenery of UCI. Also, taking advantage of resources such as the fitness center in Mesa Court or the ARC gives me time to channel my stress into exercise.
If there are two things that can really make me happy, though, it is food and friends- two things that go really well together. Quality time with people is one of the aspects of college that provides me with the most stress relief, and when food is involved this experience goes to whole new levels. While I do love getting food at places near campus such as Student Center and University Town Center, I am the type to be open to adventures and so weekend getaways to Diamond Jamboree for some sushi, or to Newport Beach for pizza, are great opportunities for me to discover life beyond my bubble at UCI.
Some might argue that adventures as a UCI student aren’t entirely completely without a golden ticket to the Happiest Place on Earth. The highlight of this quarter has probably been getting an annual pass to Disneyland and so my friends and I have gone to visit the park several times already. Disneyland is about a 20 minute drive from UCI and so not only is it near to campus but the entertainment and the food (especially!) are what helps me escape from my classes and get back in touch with my inner child.
With all things considered, self care stays true to its name- tending to one’s own needs. In terms of stress relief I am more extroverted and so I look to socializing and thrills to (ironically) help me relax. To others however, self care might mean reading a book, taking a nap in Aldrich Park, or simply binging a favorite TV show. College is about self-discovery and that in turn involves learning what works best for you in terms of destressing. I just like to remember that any time spent away from academics is not time wasted but rather time dedicated to your own well-being. This February let’s show ourselves some self-love 🙂