To the most stubborn/wonderful person,
You made it into UCI, I know you didn’t know what to expect but you did it. I would say we can take a break and finally breathe, but you know better than I do that’s not going to happen. You’ll eventually realize all those sleepless worrying about what you need to pack or if Investing in a pepper spray is a good idea, I’m still considering getting one. If your wondering if its for safety purposes, the answer is no because all in all the campus is safe. Speaking about the campus its really big and you’re going to be walking around a lot. Most people have skateboards and scooters, even me I roller blade around sometimes. If you see me fall on the ground just keep walking ladies and gentleman nothing to see here.
I’m in the 10th week of college and we were right about one thing its definitely not going to be easy, starting with online classes. Asynchronies and math equals stress remember that the next time you pick your classes, I’ve definitely changed from how I was in the beginning. Remember to keep checking your email constantly and trust me it’ll make life so much easier if you answer everything on time. No one is going to wait for you to catch up especially the lecture videos. You might not know what that is right now, but just remember to keep an open mind and be ready for anything. Have confidence in yourself and your work, just remember what your goal is and keep pushing. Nothing is ever going to be easy and all your problems have an expiration date, its okay not to have all the answers and your still going to be confused as you continue to get through college. Just make everything worthwhile because it you deserve it just as much as anyone else.
This Is your fellow anteater still learning. Smell ya later.