I think it’s safe to say that school takes up most of the thoughts in my mind right now. With many assignments to complete and finals coming up soon, I’ve been really focused on trying to finish the winter quarter strong. It has been a matter of telling myself to just push through this week, but every week is just as stressful.
I’m always keeping my family in mind, especially my grandparents and my parents because the coronavirus is still lurking around our area. I’m spending more quality time with them and making sure they keep themselves as healthy as possible.
Chatting with my friends helps me take my mind off of school. It seems that even though we can’t hang out in person, we can always find other ways to have fun, like video calling or playing online games.
If you’ve been following the stock market lately, you know that it has been quite volatile. I’ve recently hopped on the bandwagon and entered the world of investing in stocks. I figured that while I’m young with few responsibilities I could afford to take some risks and test my luck. But to be completely honest, I have no idea what I’m doing. I still have a lot to learn and it’s been rather interesting.
A few weeks ago while grocery shopping, I walked past a Korean BBQ restaurant, and the smell of the grilling pork was enough to make me crave it for weeks. I’m hoping that the pandemic will resolve soon so I can enjoy some nice bulgogi with my friends.
I’ve been asked to play the piano at my church for the first time and since then, I’ve been practicing non-stop. Honestly the song is easy but I’ve even been practicing with my eyes closed, just in case I freeze from stage fright. That way, my muscle memory kicks in and playing on stage is manageable.
And finally like any other digital natives now, social media occupies a generous chunk of my mind. I mean how can it not? It keeps me updated on trends, the news, Gen Z culture, and keeps me inspired to be educated and stay productive.