My Mind Map

So here’s what my mind looks like— colorful, nonsensical, and it talks to itself.

If you could direct your eyes to the large orange bubble at the top left of my brain: “Manage Arts and Dinks.” Arts and Dinks is my small business! It’s recently been, how you say.. poppin’ off, after I released my newest collection of clay rings. Each weekend is spent shaping, baking, painting, and packaging rings to get shipped to their homes all over the world from California to New York and even to Norway and Ireland. I try to block off my weeks— focus on schoolwork and work by weekday, manage my lil’ business and boss myself around by weekend. I’m a modern-day, entrepreneurial superhero.

I’ve recently found that I am most at ease when I know exactly what to do every single day and can see my week playing out before my eyes. Hence, the red bubble threatening my mortality if I fail to plan and schedule every assignment, lecture, and task of the week. 

Crochet Something Funky: ah, the weird cousin of the group. Some funky projects I’ve been planning to take on are the following: 

  1. Square Beanie- regular beanie except it’s pointy on the two ends at the top (like Finn’s hat from The Adventures of Finn and Jake)
  2. A hat to ship to my grandma in Taiwan- I bought red yarn for the aforementioned hat and showed her today over video call and she told me it was too red so I will be heading back to Michaels in one to three business days to find…?less-red yarn.
  3. Something fun with thick fuzzy yarn- still to be decided, but very excited to use the fat yarn I have already purchased.

Pink and yellow blobs: I have decided that I want to try to pursue business and entrepreneurship in light of my recent small business success and it’s been a struggle trying to see where that fits in here at UCI because it’s so tough to transfer into business. However, I am braving the uncertainties of my future and doing my best to figure it all out. I think planning to study abroad and failing to legitimately plan kind of fits into the same category, where I know what I want but I’m a little too short to reach the cookies in the jar. Using the resources at UCI and the advising office will hopefully give me that extra boost to finally snag those cookies (nice metaphor) (thanks)

We have now reached the nonsense part of my brain! Matthew Gray Gubler is eternally in the back of my mind, he just lives there and does fun things that I support and will always support wholeheartedly. I have somewhat of a sweet tooth and have found the magic of boxed mix fun!! Delicious chewy brownies in under an hour and all I need to do is throw an egg and some oil in this brown powder?? It’s enough to make Gordon Ramsay cry. 

Thank you for peering into my mind. I hope you enjoyed your stay : )