Season of Growth

Ah, the end of another great quarter. Admittedly, Winter Quarter was more challenging than the Fall, but I have discovered more about what routine works for me and what my strengths and weaknesses are academically. Spring is my absolute favorite season, and now that the sun is out and birds are chirping, I’m feeling a refreshing positive attitude for the Spring Quarter. Also seeing business and stores starting to open up again gives me hope for the year. I’m looking forward to things going back to normal now that more and more people are getting vaccinated.

As for my academic goals, I want to keep the same momentum that I have now. I am taking slightly more challenging classes for the Spring so I really have to stay focused and try to power through the quarter. But not only do I want to keep my grades up, I also want to start looking for internships and other extracurricular activities. Working on my career goals is just as important as working on my school goals to me.

I also want to start reading more books in my free time. Reading productivity and life books will help me become more knowledgeable about how to improve my mindset in different situations. Reading is great way to invest in my future self.

As for personal goals, I really want to start really exercising again. I realized that over the past two quarters, I’ve spent 70% of my day at my desk, mindlessly snacking on whatever food was closest. It puts a whole new twist on the “freshman 15.” While focusing so much on school, I’ve pushed my health to the side and forgot to take care of my body. But recently I’ve felt a sudden urge to get in shape again now that spring and summer are almost here. I’m starting by exercising four days a week and incorporating cardio into my workouts. I’m also trying to take my water bottle everywhere I go to encourage myself to drink water.

Daring to Dream

Breaking News:

After a year and two quarters of college, I’ve finally figured out what I want to major in and have created a plan for my remaining time here!!! Owning a small business is something I really love and I know it’s a long shot trying to get into business as the major is super impacted but I have to at least try. So next quarter, I will be doing my 130% best to get good grades in my business prerequisites as those are what admissions look at. It honestly feels like I’m applying to college again which is a little stressful but if business doesn’t work out I’ll major in Psychology and minor in Management. It’s nice to finally know what’s coming and what to expect for the next few quarters.

As for professional goals, I’m looking to add new rings and designs to my shop! It’ll be really nice to have the break to finally get the extra time to play around and experiment with fun designs. Committing to my shop is getting more realistic by the week and I’m definitely getting a bit of help from my dad on how to move forward with it. I never expected it to turn into a long term thing but it just might! It feels a little scary to admit that in the prospect that it might fail but if things keep continuing the way they have, it would be something I see myself developing and pursuing in the future. I’m extremely fresh to this idea and it’s still very scary to admit— it’s almost like by speaking it into existence I’m holding myself to a binding contract of my own writing. And of course, there’s also the stigma behind starting something and the doubters who will think to themselves “she can’t do it.” Speaking this endeavor of mine into existence opens myself up to those doubters and fears of failure. It’s always been a struggle of mine to face and embrace failure. As a kid, I only did things I was good at because I hated how it felt to fail and I’d get embarrassed when I was underperforming. So to fix this, I just didn’t do those things. I’m still unlearning my fear of failure and it’s definitely a big mountain I still need to climb but this shop is definitely pushing me to climb a little faster. This reminds me of the quote “dare to dream.”

I’ve never really had dreams before. People dream of being astronauts, doctors but I’ve never really felt a strong desire to point my life in any specific direction. A common question: “What are your dreams?” And to that, I had no answers. I’m coming to the realization it’s a dream of mine to make my small business a big business. Maybe it doesn’t even have to be this business, but owning and running a business one day would be a dream come true. 

It’s definitely my fear of failure talking after daring to dream in the last few paragraphs, but at the moment I’m still being realistic and going with the flow of things. I’m pretty early on in this dream of mine, and who knows dreams change! 

I guess all I can do is see where I go and what I’ll do in time.

If you want to check out my shop the Instagram handle is @artsndinks 🙂