Season of Growth

Ah, the end of another great quarter. Admittedly, Winter Quarter was more challenging than the Fall, but I have discovered more about what routine works for me and what my strengths and weaknesses are academically. Spring is my absolute favorite season, and now that the sun is out and birds are chirping, I’m feeling a refreshing positive attitude for the Spring Quarter. Also seeing business and stores starting to open up again gives me hope for the year. I’m looking forward to things going back to normal now that more and more people are getting vaccinated.

As for my academic goals, I want to keep the same momentum that I have now. I am taking slightly more challenging classes for the Spring so I really have to stay focused and try to power through the quarter. But not only do I want to keep my grades up, I also want to start looking for internships and other extracurricular activities. Working on my career goals is just as important as working on my school goals to me.

I also want to start reading more books in my free time. Reading productivity and life books will help me become more knowledgeable about how to improve my mindset in different situations. Reading is great way to invest in my future self.

As for personal goals, I really want to start really exercising again. I realized that over the past two quarters, I’ve spent 70% of my day at my desk, mindlessly snacking on whatever food was closest. It puts a whole new twist on the “freshman 15.” While focusing so much on school, I’ve pushed my health to the side and forgot to take care of my body. But recently I’ve felt a sudden urge to get in shape again now that spring and summer are almost here. I’m starting by exercising four days a week and incorporating cardio into my workouts. I’m also trying to take my water bottle everywhere I go to encourage myself to drink water.