One Down

Well that was incredibly fast. Look at us. We’ve made it to the end yet the journey has just begun…

Last week an incoming UCI freshman, total stranger, DM’ed me and asked for college advice. Whoa what? I didn’t think I was qualified to give advice, but actually I was. Right then I realized that I had so much to say and so much more that I knew compared to when I first began. As a first generation college student, I couldn’t go to my parents for college advice. I instead resorted to older friends, youtube videos, reddit forms, etc. That was the main thing that helped me navigate my first year, advice and information. If you are an incoming/continuing student, the most effective thing you could do to prepare for the future, in my opinion, is ask people with experience for their advice. You’d be surprised at how useful it is later. 

I realized that writing these reflections really helped me organize my messy thoughts. But most importantly, this method of journaling allows me to track my progress. I am able to look back on detailed entries and see how I have grown and how I’ve overcome obstacles. I can record what I’ve learned from my experiences. It is the closest thing to a time machine for my thoughts. You don’t have to be a Zot blogger to write your reflections. I keep a separate journal at home for my personal life too. I suggest keeping a physical/digital journal and writing a reflection every week or so. Write anything that is on your mind, your worries, dreams, accomplishments big or small. Trust me, when you get to look back and realize how far you’ve come, it is the most rewarding feeling ever. 

One thing I think I’ve done successfully is that I came mentally prepared for the rigor of college academic work. I expected classes to be difficult. I anticipated the late nights of studying and finishing assignments. I knew that I had to really manage my time well and be responsible for my own future. Having these realistic expectations, I felt ready to take on anything that I put my mind to. It’s all about your mindset. One thing I wish I could have done better is connecting with my professors more. I hear that it is important to build a network of people in your field of study/career, but I just haven’t taken the initiative to do that yet. Hopefully with in-person school next year, I’ll have a better opportunity to do that. 

My final piece of advice: Remember that everything will be alright, trust me on that. Sometimes it seems like it won’t, but if you work hard and keep your head up, you’ll get to the other side and be okay 🙂

I hope this helps someone out there. I hope you know that you’re not facing these difficulties alone. Okay, it has been a pleasure to share my experiences with you on the Zot Blog. Thank you for reading, and good luck!!

Signing off, 

Rebecca Nguyen <3