Meet Caleb: Your 2021-2022 ZotBlogger

My name is Kelenna Caleb Azu, I currently reside in the Mesa Court Towers and my current major is Undeclared/Undecided. I plan to switch to the ICS department and major in Game Design.

An interesting fact about me is I’m one of the oddest people that you will ever meet and I’ll probably remind you , but I’ll definitely be one of your closest friends after 2 days. On the day that I moved in I’m not really sure if this can be considered interesting, but when I was moving in one of the supervisors approached me and asked for my name and they took it with me. After a few hours, I ended up on the schools page which was really cool and it was pretty easy for everyone to know who I was because my hair was very distinct compared to others. We did a little bonding event by going to the girl volleyball game and I ended up falling off my seat because I got too excited, but I made friends because of how funny it was. After a few days I was known on my floor as the social butterfly in a good and weird way because I would say hi to anyone I make eye contact with, but I would always forget their names.

After a few days it was pretty easy to break the ice on my floor for most people since they were also social, so I just went to the other floors saying hi to the rest of the people and I realized how vast the world is and how little I know of it. It made me excited and to meet more people and learn about their culture and where they came from. The most exciting thing for me to do was to try the food of different places and different dishes from the ant-eatery. After a little while this place became my home away from home.

This is Caleb, speaking to you live from the home of anteaters signing out.