It’s Midterm Season…

How is it already time to take midterms? People were not kidding when they said that time flies fast with the quarter system. I had my first round of midterms starting at the end of week 3. The stress didn’t hit me until a few days before. I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect for my first midterm, especially because 2 out of 3 of my midterms were online through Canvas. 

On a Saturday morning, I looked at my calendar and realized that my midterm was coming up in a few days! I grabbed my notes, pens, pencils, and computer and sat down at my desk. As I sat there, I began to think about how I wanted to approach my study session; I had no idea where I wanted to start. What do people usually do when studying for such a huge test? 

I decided to look through my notes first, find the topics I needed to work on, and figure out ways to practice those concepts. Since most of my lectures are online and recorded, I used those videos for review.

Since most of my classes are online, it’s been difficult to meet classmates to create study groups. However, I was able to have a study session on discord with some peers in my virtual class. At the beginning of the quarter, students created a discord channel to ask questions if anyone was struggling with homework or concepts during lectures. The night before the midterm, we would all join a call and review the most critical concepts from each lecture. The study session was great because everyone was able to help each other out. I felt grateful for this experience as it gave me another approach to studying.

Now, I’m preparing to take my second round of midterms. I’ve discovered a quiet study space in the Middle Earth Towers. There are two study rooms on my floor as well as a huge study area downstairs underneath the Laurelin Towers.  It’s nice to have a change of scenery!

I’ve realized how much I learned about my studying habits. What I need to do in order to be successful, where I need to be, and how to use my study time wisely. The midterms themselves are pretty intimidating. I mean taking tests aren’t everyone’s favorite thing in the world. I learned to make the best out of studying, but to not push myself too hard. 

If you’re still taking midterms right now, good luck! I believe in you, you got this! Just make sure to leave some time for yourself to relax and have fun too.