Thoughts on Winter Quarter ❄️

Happy New Year! Winter break was a great time to relax, catch up on some sleep, and spend the holidays with friends and family. I spent the first part of winter break in Oregon. In the second part of the break, I traveled to the Bay Area to see some more family. The craziest part about my trip was when I wasn’t able to travel to Reno. Originally, some family friends and I planned to drive to Reno to spend a few days skiing and snowboarding. However, the roads were closed due to snowstorms. To make up for this, we ended up staying in Sacramento and San Francisco for a few nights. We explored the cities and even went ice skating at Union Square.

As I enter the new quarter, there are a few things that I want to change, but also keep from last quarter. A big habit I need to work on is my sleeping schedule. Last quarter, I was able to sleep late at night and sleep in since my classes were later in the afternoon. This winter quarter, most of my classes are in the morning (the first one being at 9:30 am). I want to make sure I don’t miss any of my classes as well as make sure that I get enough sleep each night. A habit I want to continue from last quarter is how I managed my time. In my previous blog post, I mentioned how important it is to balance academics, extracurriculars, and your health. I believe living independently in the dorms has taught me a lot about time management. I hope to continue with this habit. Maybe I can even improve the way I manage my time this quarter!

At the beginning of the winter quarter, I was able to come back to the dorms. It was great to see my roommates and friends again! It also feels great to be back on campus. To be honest, the first two weeks of the winter quarter were pretty stressful. My classes have heavier workloads, which means I need to make sure I spend more time on them. Regardless, I’m still looking forward to many things this quarter! One of them being an extracurricular activity. For the Kababayan club, I was selected to be an intern! I am a coalition and historian intern. Along with the internship, I’m going to be practicing for the Pilipinix-American Culture Night (otherwise known as PACN).

Overall, I’m excited for this winter quarter! Throughout the many challenges that it may throw at me, I hope I learn to overcome them and have fun. I hope everyone has had a great two weeks of winter quarter so far! Stay safe and healthy everyone!