Walking for Self-Care

Every morning, I have the opportunity to smell the freshly-cut grass outside and feel a blanket of cold air against my cheeks. Walking my dog in the morning has become a vital part of my daily routine, and I now consider it a form of self-care. I find that waking up earlier than I typically would to take a walk creates structure for my schedule, as opposed to waking up a few minutes before my first class. In my experience, what I do in the morning can set the tone for the entire day, so practicing self-care at that time – by taking a walk, in my case – can be conducive to a productive day. 

Even if the walk is as brief as 15 minutes, you can still reap the benefits that exercise brings, such as decreased stress, improved mental health, and enhanced physical health overall. While I walk, I tend to observe my surroundings in order to take my mind off of the stresses that the coming day might bring, focusing on the birds chirping, the people passing by, or the other dogs that we might encounter during our walk. Alternatively, I sometimes treat the walk as a time to mentally plan out my day and prepare myself for the events and tasks I will have to attend to later. Either strategy, or a combination of both, can be used to make the most of the walk.

I looked into the UCI trails that friends on campus can take advantage of:


The guide above, courtesy of the UCI Campus Recreation Center, includes routes for long or short walks. While I have not followed these specific trials, as I do not live on campus, I would recommend them to anyone who seeks to incorporate walks or runs into their routine and support their self-care.

Your friendly neighborhood Undeclared major,
