Happy Mind, Happy Life

Alright ladies and gentlemen we are back. After going through the constant pounding of these dreadful weeks, I’m sure we have some folks out there who temporarily forgotten what a sleep schedule is or the pleasurable feeling of a good skin care routine. Well I’m here to say that you don’t have to, yes I know it’s easier said than done but you know as well as I how therapeutic hot showers can be. So take that day off from that project or midterm and go back to that daily routine, you can say I’m a bad influence but I like to see myself as a good-bad influence.

For those of us who took a little longer to join the gang, welcome. Due to your excessive dedication to stay here at UCI you have gain +1 acheivement for fully immersing yourself in winter quarter and gained a badge for a smooth transition from Fall Quarter. New Objective gained: Take care of your Mental and emotional well being. You’ve seen it here folks, if you don’t take care of yourself no one will do it for you and that is why I’m taking the initiative to follow my own advice and de-stress.

I’ve started taking my daily walks around our lovely campus, UCI makes it very easy to see lovely sunsets and if your feeling a little adventurous like me you can scale up the building for a better view. Of course safely through the stairs. Whether it be talking about how you failed or maybe passed your mid-term or exams *wink* *wink*, socializing is still the easier/efficient way to destress. Just jamming out or watching euphoria has been the go to for the past couple of weeks. If it’s still hard to figure out what to do, go to UTC, Spectrum or Target. Start off simple and take baby steps, remember mindset is everything.

Objective Completed!!

New Objective: Get Some Sleep!!…..(Accept/Decline)

Objective Declined…Alright folks this is your favorite blogger signing out