Immersing Filipino Culture with Kababayan at UCI

Cultural clubs have always been something I have been interested in pursuing. I am Filipino-American but have never felt like I have fully immersed in learning about the Filipino culture. In previous blogs, I have written and given glimpses of becoming involved with Kababyan at UCI. This club is an organization at UCI that emphasizes the academic, cultural, political, social, and community parts of the Pilipinx experience. Kaba has many different programs that I have participated in to explore my interest in Filipino culture.

Kababayan at UCI has a range of programs, workshops, and meetings that focus on the different 5 different pillars (academic, cultural, political, social, and community). Programs that are available to general members include intramurals, academic mentorship programs, alumni panels, social programs (general meetings, k-fams, etc.), and cultural programs. One I have been very involved with is the winter quarter internship program. For 10 weeks, interns get to learn about the behind-the-scenes of Kaba by shadowing 2 board members, learning leadership skills, and building new relationships with the board members. My experience with this internship has been helpful and amazing so far. I have learned so much more about leadership and the tasks of the board members I intern under. Another program that has just begun this quarter is the Philipinx-American Culture Night (PACN). This program runs throughout the winter and spring quarters as it prepares general members to perform cultural dances and other activities towards the middle of the spring quarter. Within PACN, a general member can be in logistical and performance suites. Logistical suites include creating programs, costumes, commercials, and props. Performance suites are the types of cultural dances, skits, and choir. 

Being part of Kababyan at UCI has opened doors to many different opportunities. Not only do I get to immerse myself in Filipino culture, but I’m also able to socialize with other students with the same interests as me. I’ve created so many great memories with board members, fellow interns, and other general members. Even before becoming a wintern, I enjoyed attending general meetings each week as each meeting was a topic that I could learn something new. 

If you’re interested in coming out to future meetings, they are every Thursday at 7 pm in the Dr. White room at the Cross Cultural Center. If you’d like to learn more about Kaba, head to their Instagram @kabaatuci. I hope to see you there!