Turtle Mind

As I am right now I would like to say that I have fully assimilated with the UCI lifestyle, but who knows life is always full of surprises. Thinking back to when I came here I didn’t know what I wanted or what to expect. Even thinking about it, I still don’t know what I want but I’ve come to terms with this and realized it’s part of the experience. Everyday I’m constantly being challenged to question my entire existence, if the path I’m taking is right or I’m I doing things the right way. The beauty of this is I will never know the answer until I try and fail. That is why I decided to become a blogger in the first place, I would like to say that one of my favorite things to do is writing here.

If I were to dig really deep and look inside what I consider important, I wouldn’t be able to pick. Watching as my freshman year is almost coming to an end, I’m very nostalgic or the memories I’ve made with everyone and I can’t decide what I value more. As I am right now, I want to represent those who can’t choose what they value, but I will say that I am keeping an open mind to everything.

I’m sure that their are other people who didn’t enjoy their first quarter or they kept to themselves. For those hermits who are slowly crawling out their shell. Just know you’re not the only one, although you are experiencing everything a little later than others. It’s good that you waited till you were comfortable to put yourself out there because there are people out there who crash from the adrenaline. Take it slow, so you have enough time to enjoy and make everything worthwhile, but remember time isn’t waiting for you. No pressure ;D

Remember folks slow and steady wins the race

You’re Favorite blogger signing out

Goodbye Winter, Here Comes Spring!

The fall quarter went by fast, but the winter quarter flew by even faster! It’s insane how my first year at UCI is almost complete. I’ve experienced so many things academically, through extracurriculars, and in my personal life in the dorms. With two quarters under my belt, there are a few goals I’d like to make for next quarter to finish off my first year strong!

Coming to UCI, I was interested in the major of data science. At the end of next quarter, I should be able to transfer into the major! One of my main goals is to heavily focus on finishing the requirements to transfer into data science. I’d also like to further my understanding of data science. I was thinking of joining a club that is STEM-related next quarter. One club I was interested in joining is Filipinos Unifying Scientists and Engineers in an Organized Network (FUSION). My friend who is in data science is involved in this club, so I was thinking about checking it out next quarter. This goal is my most important one since I’ve wanted to achieve this goal since the beginning of the year.

Another goal I’d like to achieve is to become more active. One way I’d like to do this is by joining intramural sports. I believe softball is one of the sports offered for the spring quarter. It’s been a while since I played in high school, but I’d love to jump back into it. It will be great to get back into the sport that I’ve played growing up.

One last goal I’d like to make is to explore campus more. Most of my classes in my first two quarters at UCI were online, so I barely had the opportunity to be in person and explore the campus. I’ve heard of many study spots around campus (like libraries, the student center, etc.). I want to discover a new study spot outside my dorm’s study rooms! I also want to walk on campus more and spend more time at Aldrich Park. Maybe I’ll spend bring a blanket out with some friends and chill as a break from studying.

Winter quarter was filled with many adventures, and I’m expecting Spring quarter to be just as exciting. Below, I added a few pictures capturing a reflection of my winter quarter. I can’t wait to see what Spring has in store!

Here Comes the End of Winter!

With the opening of a new round of course registration and the arrival of final exams, I realized that my university life has almost passed two quarters! How time flies! My life at UCI has really made me improve in many aspects, which makes me exciting. One of the aspects is that I gradually start planning for the future, such as the upcoming spring quarter and summer.

One of the most important things in my spring plan is to complete three courses. Then as a result, at the end of the spring semester, I could have the chance to transfer to the department I prefer, which I am very much looking forward to. However, at the same time, I have to say goodbye to the U/U department that be with me for a year, which also makes me sad. Over the past two quarters, the U/U department has been very helpful to my university life, not only for course selection and future planning but also gave me a lot of help in daily life and part-time work. While the grateful thing is that I successfully applied for the discussion leader of the University Study course, my fate with the U/U department does not seem to be completely over! I am so excited to have the opportunity to help as many college freshmen as I’ve had before, which leads to the second thing I will be doing in the spring quarter – training to become a qualified discussion leader. I hope to meet more new friends and exercise my leadership skills through this opportunity. I think my leadership and public speaking skills need to be improved. The third thing is to keep sticking to the Zotblog program. After becoming a zotblogger, I feel like I was less afraid of writing, and writing even become a part of my daily life. Zotblog has become a way of recording my life this year, and it has preserved my wonderful study abroad life very well. Writing on different topics also gave me more observations, and motivate me to move forward, discover and participate in the novel activities. The last thing I plan to do in the spring is the English Conversation Program because I want to develop my speaking skills. The language used in daily life is completely different from the language in books, I want to learn language from English-speakers by communicating with them.

It looks like I will be busy with my spring! I hope I can successfully finish my winter quarter and then complete these plans in my spring quarter!

Finally, I wish you all the best of luck in the upcoming final exams!

Springing into Goal Setting

Countless can attest to the issue that plagues the vast population of students regardless of their academic standing, major, how many years they have pursued their education, and so on: procrastination. One goal that I would like to set for myself during the Spring 2022 quarter is to continue with the time management methods that I have developed over my last two quarters at UCI, as well as during my high school career. For instance, I can motivate myself to prioritize work by rewarding myself with breaks after completing an assignment or studying for a certain amount of time. Instead of seeing these breaks as procrastinating, I approach them as a way to recharge my energy before beginning a new assignment or continuing to study for an important exam.

Furthermore, I want to become involved in more on-campus opportunities that open during the Spring quarter. There is an abundance of student-run organizations that can allow me to connect with other students who have similar interests or goals as me. I would like to look into more opportunities to do research on campus, and begin setting myself up for success there by familiarizing myself with more faculty and professors that I will meet during the Spring quarter. I am currently enrolled in the UROP Research Discovery Program, which consists of several workshops and mentor meetings to prepare participants academically, professionally, and personally for conducting research on campus. I have enjoyed the information sessions and student researcher panels that I have attended, and I am looking forward to continuing with the program into the Spring quarter.

Goal setting can be a useful tool in keeping us motivated and on track for another successful quarter. Although the process may seem unnecessary, I would encourage all my peers to reflect on their past undergraduate experiences and make mental or physical notes of what they would like to accomplish in the coming quarter.

Your friendly neighborhood Undeclared major,

What’s in my brain?

Family: The influence of a good family environment on children will be a lifetime of wealth, parents are children’s first teachers, their words and deeds are subtly affecting children’s behavior and habits. A child who grows up in a family full of love, respect and tolerance. After entering the society, they also know how to tolerate others and cherish the achievements of others’ work. They will be more successful in making friends than others. And personality is relatively mild, more able to win the respect and love of people around.

Academics: I think the meaning of learning is to explore the beauty of the unknown, to try to understand, to explore the world. Learning knowledge and exploring the unknown is wonderful in itself, and its existence has incomparable value.

Travel: When I stepped out of the steps, let yourself go out to embrace the world every week, or a corner of the city, town or cities, or across the province, but I still didn’t find where the meaning of travel, where is the meaning of life, just before but I did not have the question, I began to fall in love with the world, interested in all the world is full of unknown, I want to explore the wonders of the world.

Friends: Maintenance friend is in need of energy, some people really can do not need a friend, because in the spare time, they can arrange their very appropriate, and fairly enjoy, or state of peace with loneliness, he always can solve, very few need a third party, not opinionated, nor its own will, Because I have rich social experience and diversified perspectives, I don’t need other people’s opinions as a reference.