Springing into Goal Setting

Countless can attest to the issue that plagues the vast population of students regardless of their academic standing, major, how many years they have pursued their education, and so on: procrastination. One goal that I would like to set for myself during the Spring 2022 quarter is to continue with the time management methods that I have developed over my last two quarters at UCI, as well as during my high school career. For instance, I can motivate myself to prioritize work by rewarding myself with breaks after completing an assignment or studying for a certain amount of time. Instead of seeing these breaks as procrastinating, I approach them as a way to recharge my energy before beginning a new assignment or continuing to study for an important exam.

Furthermore, I want to become involved in more on-campus opportunities that open during the Spring quarter. There is an abundance of student-run organizations that can allow me to connect with other students who have similar interests or goals as me. I would like to look into more opportunities to do research on campus, and begin setting myself up for success there by familiarizing myself with more faculty and professors that I will meet during the Spring quarter. I am currently enrolled in the UROP Research Discovery Program, which consists of several workshops and mentor meetings to prepare participants academically, professionally, and personally for conducting research on campus. I have enjoyed the information sessions and student researcher panels that I have attended, and I am looking forward to continuing with the program into the Spring quarter.

Goal setting can be a useful tool in keeping us motivated and on track for another successful quarter. Although the process may seem unnecessary, I would encourage all my peers to reflect on their past undergraduate experiences and make mental or physical notes of what they would like to accomplish in the coming quarter.

Your friendly neighborhood Undeclared major,