Here Comes the End of Winter!

With the opening of a new round of course registration and the arrival of final exams, I realized that my university life has almost passed two quarters! How time flies! My life at UCI has really made me improve in many aspects, which makes me exciting. One of the aspects is that I gradually start planning for the future, such as the upcoming spring quarter and summer.

One of the most important things in my spring plan is to complete three courses. Then as a result, at the end of the spring semester, I could have the chance to transfer to the department I prefer, which I am very much looking forward to. However, at the same time, I have to say goodbye to the U/U department that be with me for a year, which also makes me sad. Over the past two quarters, the U/U department has been very helpful to my university life, not only for course selection and future planning but also gave me a lot of help in daily life and part-time work. While the grateful thing is that I successfully applied for the discussion leader of the University Study course, my fate with the U/U department does not seem to be completely over! I am so excited to have the opportunity to help as many college freshmen as I’ve had before, which leads to the second thing I will be doing in the spring quarter – training to become a qualified discussion leader. I hope to meet more new friends and exercise my leadership skills through this opportunity. I think my leadership and public speaking skills need to be improved. The third thing is to keep sticking to the Zotblog program. After becoming a zotblogger, I feel like I was less afraid of writing, and writing even become a part of my daily life. Zotblog has become a way of recording my life this year, and it has preserved my wonderful study abroad life very well. Writing on different topics also gave me more observations, and motivate me to move forward, discover and participate in the novel activities. The last thing I plan to do in the spring is the English Conversation Program because I want to develop my speaking skills. The language used in daily life is completely different from the language in books, I want to learn language from English-speakers by communicating with them.

It looks like I will be busy with my spring! I hope I can successfully finish my winter quarter and then complete these plans in my spring quarter!

Finally, I wish you all the best of luck in the upcoming final exams!