Among Us

Hello everyone, for those of you still feeling weight from SIR. Have no fear your fellow Anteaters are here; we’ll take care of you and answer all your questions. Let me start off with saying congratulations and welcome to UCI, you are officially a proud anteater and now the hard part is over with. Let us help you with the even harder part and as someone who experienced everything firsthand, it definitely helps. During my first quarter here, it was definitely a spike in adrenaline from moving in to eating and becoming the next Dora the explorer with my trusty backpack. For once, I was actually happy about going to class, until I got out of class but let’s not digress. Everyone’s experience is definitely going to be different from mine. Your story is not going to be my story and that’s really cool. I’m already excited for you, and I haven’t even met you. Why shouldn’t you be too?

My personal advice is to put yourself out there, walk around campus and see what events are going on. Trust me, we will do our best to make home feel like home. Make friends, socialize, and remember if they don’t click, don’t force it. I promise you they are not worth it and their plenty, when I say plenty of fish in the sea. Also, a personal advice from this sensei right here: do not and I repeat do not take everything to heart. Your dorm life will be 10x harder than it should be if you do, it should already be a given that living with other people isn’t going to be the best experience. Remember some of you haven’t lived with someone that’s not family, heck you probably never lived with anyone before. Don’t be so hard on yourself, but that doesn’t mean you should use that as an excuse to be a “bad roommate”.

This is Blogger Ant Signing Out!!!!