My brain map and why sleep is important :)

Hello Anteaters! 

Here is my brain map! It is filled with my goals and priorities that I have in college. To start from the top left column, I put down that one of my priorities is to enjoy every moment in college. When there are events and different opportunities outside of school, I have tried my best to attend each one and be present. It is important for me to put aside my school work and be present with my friends. Freshman year is going by quickly, especially being on the quarter system. 

Next, my goal and priority is to continue working on my time management skills. I think it is important to avoid studying for tests the night before and projects the night before. For there to be less stress, I have been working on trying to study or work three or four nights ahead of a test or paper. I realized that by working on projects a few days beforehand allows for me to better process the information and new material. It is difficult to understand new information the night before! 

My career goal is to be a teacher! Right now, I am taking my lower division classes and working hard in each of them so I could join the UCI CalTeach program and earn my credential. I enjoyed my fieldwork with third graders so much last quarter (Fall Quarter), and think about the class and the students almost every day:). 

Along with my career goal, I prioritize trying my best in each of my classes. Although my classes are difficult, I know that as long as I try my best, make an effort to go to office hours, study with friends and classmates, and attend lectures (this one is important too!) that I have truly done everything I could do to do well in the course. 

Another priority in my brain map is checking in with friends and family. For my friends at college, I grab a meal or meet up somewhere to spend time with them. Because my hometown friends are at different colleges, I enjoy texting and calling them. I also enjoy calling my parents and siblings every weekend  (and during the weekdays) to check in and ask how they are doing. 

Lastly, being well rested is a priority in college. There are times when I want to stay up until 2am in the morning studying or working on a paper, but I realized that the most important practice for me is to go to bed earlier and wake up early. When there is an exam, I have been practicing going to bed earlier the night before so that I am awake and ready to take the test the next day. The last thing I would want is to be tired during a test.

Thank you anteaters for your time.

As always…..