Here comes Spring Quarter!

I cannot believe how quickly this quarter has passed. Everyone I have talked to, whether it be my friends and classmates, agree that this quarter flew by. As I prepare myself for the Spring 2023 quarter, I have a few goals that I would like to accomplish. 

Academically, I want to continue to go to my professor’s office hours and form study groups. This will be especially important for my chemistry and math classes next quarter. I find it helpful going to these office hours on a consistent basis because it means that I am constantly learning and retaining class material. Even though 10 weeks is a short amount of time, it is common for me to forget some material from weeks one and two when I am in week seven or eight. Some professors have cumulative midterms, which means that material from week one to material learned right before the midterm is fair game. While some of my exams have been cumulative and require extra studying, in the end, it is helpful for when it is time for the final exam. Office hours keep me accountable and help me study for upcoming exams.  I also want to continue practicing my time management skills. After spending two quarters at UCI, I have realized that I feel more prepared for exams when I have studied at least three days before. 

A goal that is outside of academics would be going on a hike with the UCI hiking club. One of my friends and I really enjoy the outdoors and going on hikes. We have been meaning to go on at least one hike. We did not go on any fall quarter or this quarter (oops!), but we want to try our best to go on a hike for the Spring Quarter. Plus, it would be a great way to relax and get some fresh air after a busy school week.  

Lastly, I want to enjoy every moment of the Spring Quarter. I only have 10 more weeks of my freshman year in college. I want to enjoy the present and take advantage of all the activities and opportunities that are presented during this quarter. 

As always….