Hey y’all, glad to be back! Nothing special planned this week, but the next post will be good (I promise). In the meantime, here are some selfies I took around campus, just to give y’all a peek into life at UCI.

Here is my first selfie: right outside my dorm, Middle Earth Towers. If there was anything standout about UCI’s freshman experience, I’d say the dorms are much nicer to live in compared to dorms at other colleges and universities.

Here is my second selfie, taken inside Brandywine, the dining hall for the Middle Earth community. The guy with the red hair is Julian, one of many friends I made this year. We both live in Middle Earth Towers and love how convenient Brandywine is—all we have to do is walk downstairs.

This selfie was taken at the ARC (Anteater Recreation Center) just after my team and I won a close IM game. This team was for co-rec soccer, but I also am in a men’s soccer and open volleyball team. I started getting into IM sports this quarter, and I’ve come to love the community of people who play and run IM sports.
That’s all for this time! As always, thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the next post—it’s gonna be big…
Zot Zot Zot,