Getting Settled In and The First Weeks

Hello everyone, Jack here again to share some of my experience at UC Irvine! Since my last post I have finally been able to move in on campus and begin to enjoy life on campus. I have started all of my fall courses and similar to some other students have begun to have my first midterms this week. While I only have midterms for two classes, I am in full school-mode in all of my classes. As the school year is in full swing, there are a lot of events around campus. While I have attended many athletic events and I intend to attend more and share my experience, I would like to share my experience with an ASUCI event, which I recently attended.

On October 17th, an event was hosted at the garden in Arroyo Vista, where students were able to take a tour around the garden, participate in activities related to the garden and learn about sustainability organizations on campus. I attended the event because I wanted to learn more about the student-run garden on campus. The event was engaging as there were many activities to participate in such as planting a plant in the garden, painting a pot and then planting a winter plant in it and creating a bath salt using herbs from the garden.

This event was fun as I was able to explore the garden, get a plant for my room (I did not have any before) and learn how to create a bath salt. I did not only learn technical skills, but I also learned about the three sisters gardening technique used by Native Americans during a scavenger hunt around the garden. There were also some cool offerings from some groups around campus, who gave out stickers and reusable straws. I was even able to test my knowledge of vegetables which are green at the event.

The scavenger hunt
A pot which I painted and am growing winter greens in
Bath salt creation
A lavender plant which I added to the school garden

As the quarter continues and more students get busier and busier, I hope that everyone does well with their courses. I know that a lot of people are studying and I see that firsthand as in my hall people stay up late at night to write on whiteboards all of the key concepts which are necessary to know for their courses.

As I begin to sign off until next time, I want to wish all students good luck with all of their exams, the fall student athletes, good luck with the end of their seasons and members of organizations a good rest of October.

That is it for me for now and I will be back in around two weeks writing about the midterm experience at UC Irvine!