Winter Is Coming

Last quarter was incredibly difficult for me. I am a chronic procrastinator, and I have been ever since I was young. In high school, it wasn’t such a big deal, because my teachers would understand my circumstances as a neurodivergent individual, allowing me to receive minor accommodations. When high school teachers tell you that “This won’t fly in college,” in some aspects they’re right. Without academic responsibility, college is very stressful. As many procrastinators know, it’s easy to stress about upcoming deadlines but it’s incredibly difficult to do something about it. Even entering the winter quarter, I’m still struggling with procrastination.

My plans for the winter quarter are somewhat conflicting. I still want to maintain time for my hobbies like gaming, painting, and talking to my friends. One thing that has been especially challenging is mustering the self control to put down my sketchbook, close my laptop, or stop typing on my phone. College is a new experience for a lot of people, where we don’t have our parents keeping us accountable. I’m sure that some of my peers have been able to keep themselves on task throughout high school, but a large proportion of students, especially those who have learning disabilities, may not be used to self accountability. I’m certainly not used to it. Socially, it’s been difficult for me to ask for help from people. I don’t feel like I know anyone well enough to ask them to help keep me accountable. 

Some things I’ve done differently from Fall to Winter are changes in eating habits, sleep, and exercise. At the beginning of the year, I was absolutely terrified of eating alone in the dining hall. I’m not sure what about it scared me so much, but the idea of people perceiving me while eating was very uncomfortable. I would often skip meals and eat substitutes like cheese and crackers or instant ramen and a protein bar. Sometimes the irrational anxiety would also creep up elsewhere, like sitting near people when few seats were available in a class. In terms of sleep, the first quarter I wasn’t able to manage my sleeping habits very well. I’d stay up until 2 or 3 AM, scrolling on my phone. On weekends, I’d sleep until 2 or 3 PM, and not leave my room at all. This quarter, I’ve found a few ways to get out of bed before noon. I try to find activities to do on weekends like trips with the Goth Club or weekend practices for Belegarth, a foam fighting sport. Belegarth also helps me be more active. In high school, I participated in color guard and drumline, which kept me active enough. Over the summer and during the Fall Quarter, I had difficulty motivating myself to be active, resulting in more severe symptoms of my chronic pain. In finding an activity that I enjoy, I can actually get motivated to get more active!

This winter, I’m excited to write for any readers of the ZotBlog who may feel like they don’t have it all figured out. I’m with you, and we can work on improving our habits together!

Clay stands in the foreground wearing a dark gray tartan cloak, while his friend wields a foam tipped pole arm in the background.

winter qt :)

HELLOOO EVERYONE !!! WE DID IT !! One quarter down, two more to go!

Fall quarter, my first quarter in college was undeniably a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences as everyone could imagine. It was characterized by the tangible stress of adjusting to a new academic environment, the thrill and excitement of embarking on a new journey, the inevitable anxiety that comes with facing unfamiliar challenges, and moments of peace amidst the chaos. From figuring out the most efficient study methods to balancing social activities and academic responsibilities, each day presented new challenges that tested my adaptability and resilience. 

However, amidst these whirlwinds of classes and overload of assignments, there were also moments of tranquility and peace. These were the times when I found myself settling into the rhythm of college life, appreciating the growth and learning opportunities it presented, and taking time to reflect on my personal and academic journey. 

As I progress into the new quarter, I’ve gained a clearer understanding of my workload and productivity levels, enabling me to plan more effectively. To keep me accountable this quarter, I’ve downloaded Notion, an app designed to help structure my days, maintaining organization, as well as accountability. This tool isn’t new to me; I utilized it back in high school. However, during the last quarter, I found myself too unmotivated to organize my schedule properly. Now, with renewed focus and a better grasp of the demands of college life, I’m committed to using Notion. Also, since I am continuing with my bio + chem classes, I have now dedicated a specific day each week with my friends to review the course load. We would review the lectures, complete practice problems, and quiz each other. I found that this would significantly help me reduce the amount of stress before exams, and I would actually be able to understand the material.    

I’m so glad that during the fall quarter, I ended up finishing finals early and was able to go home earlier than most. I feel like the winter break really helped me because I was already feeling the onset of burnout and a deep sense of homesickness. I loved being surrounded by my friends and family, especially for the holidays. During break, I was finally able to relax, and be able to watch the shows I put off during school and spend time with my friends. This period of relaxation and detachment from school responsibilities was essential for recharging and preparing myself mentally and emotionally for the upcoming challenges of the new quarter.

For this upcoming quarter, my goal is that everyday I remain on a consistent schedule and ensure that I get a proper amount of sleep. Furthermore, I also need to set limits for my social media apps, especially tiktok. 

THANK you for reading !! Good luck this quarter !!

here is a little overview of my notion 🙂


Thoughts On Winter Quarter

Hello everyone, it is Jack here again and I hope that everyone had a great winter break! As winter break comes to an end and the winter quarter begins and as many Anteaters take their first steps back on campus for 2024, I would like to write about my fall quarter and how it has impacted my beliefs for the winter quarter.

My first quarter, as it was for a lot of people, was a time of learning for me. Not only learning about subjects in the classroom, but about how the school works, all of the activities and events that are available for students and about Irvine and Orange County in general. It was a new experience my first few weeks as I had never really been to the school or area before I attended orientation and since my orientation was only a day, I still did not know much about the campus. Now that I have been here for a quarter I know a lot more about how the school operates and what exists on campus, but I still believe I have a lot more to learn about it. The point of this being that I felt rushed the first few weeks as I moved in, then there were some large events the first few days and then school started immediately after. One of the things that I considered to change this quarter was the preparations that I made. One of these preparations was the amount of time that I spent at school before the quarter started. In the fall I arrived the day before everything started to begin and now in the winter I have been here for around a half of a week before instruction is to begin. This has allowed me to sort out whatever I had left on campus from the fall, to get proper preparation for the winter and to be able to feel adjusted to what life is like on campus before everything begins for the quarter.

I am excited to continue on my undeclared journey this quarter as I take some courses which are in different subjects from the ones which I took in the fall. This also makes me excited to meet new people who are studying in these subjects as I was able to meet a lot of people in my residence hall as a result of them being in my courses last quarter. There are a lot of exciting activities which will be taking place near the end of the quarter, so I hope I will have the opportunity to share them.

These are just some of my thoughts coming into the winter quarter. I hope that all students have a good start to their winter quarter and everyone else has a good start to 2024! Zot Zot Zot!