Halfway There! (Somehow)

Hey everyone! Hope you are doing well. This quarter has been moving so fast. I wanted to share a little bit about my first few weeks on campus. Since we got to move in a little bit before class started, I was able to focus on meeting new people and looking into extracurricular activities. Currently, I am a part of IM soccer, a few business clubs, and the Spike Ball Club. These have helped keep me busy and meet new people.

The first few days of being away from home and my family was hard. To counteract this I would call my parents multiple times a day just to hear their voice, and call my friends at other schools to see how they were doing. One thing that I was hearing about from friends and family a lot, was their weather complaints. I had none, even during the heat wave. The weather is nice down here. Another aspect of college I was worried about was falling asleep at night, but there is so much to do during the day by the evening all I want to do is crash. 

A picture of my roommate and me at CDM during Week 1.

The first couple weeks my roommates and I were going Newport or Corona Del Mar a fair amount, but lately, as classes have started to pick up we haven’t been able to. Speaking of classes, MIDTERMS! I hope everyone did well on the ones they have had, and wish them the best of luck for the upcoming ones. Personally, my first mid-term for one of my biology classes was quite difficult, but my econ test was not too bad. 

In high school, I could never focus in my room, I would just walk around juggling a soccer ball, playing music wasting a ton of time. In the dorm, I find it a lot easier to focus because there is less space, and when my roommates are there we are often both more productive. However, when I can’t focus in the room or want a new space to study, I prefer the Mesa study room. The libraries are super nice, but I live in Isla, which is at the bottom of the Mesa Classics next to parking lot 5, so they are a far walk.

My desk setup (pretty boring).

Every night I make sure to talk to my parents on the phone, as well one at least one of my friends from back home, get a workout in, and read for a half hour. These are a few of the things that have helped me build a new routine and unwind each day. Overall, I will say I have adjusted to this college life, but know it will still take a bit more time. I hope everyone is also getting comfortable in this new environment, it is a big change, but the best is yet to come.
