Hi again! Hope you had a not too stressful week so far. But hey, it’s Friday! We have a weekend of relaxing ahead of us! I seriously can’t wait to just sleep in this weekend because this whole week has been so hectic. On top of several class projects, starting our finals, and trying to make it to every club meeting, I’ve been spending this past week practicing for the KKAP Fall Showcase. In case you aren’t familiar with KKAP it is a K-pop dance club at UCI. I’ve mentioned it a few times in my previous blogs not too long ago. Since I’m a noob at dancing, I decided to participate in the fall showcase in order to gain more experience and learn from talented members in the club. For the showcase, the club basically breaks up into groups where each one chooses a k-pop song choreo to cover. I ended up in a group of five fantastic and super experienced dancers, so we decided to choose to cover a band that also had five members. We ended up deciding to cover TXT’s new song Over the Moon. It was honestly such a fun and insightful experience learning how to mimic a professional choreo, but oh my god was it difficult. I had to practice a lot on my own at the very beginning in order to get the gist of the choreo moves because I was too scared about showing up to group practice being the only one who had no clue what they were doing. Part of my choreo also required me to be in the dead center of the spotlight at one point and that made me soooo nervous about messing up. However, when it came time to practice the performance with the group members as a whole, I realized that working together with others on things like this made everything so much easier. They were able to point out every little detail that I missed while still being encouraging, and once we all started dancing together, everything slowly clicked in place one by one. We would usually practice for around two hours a few days a week. Most of the practices would be at the very end of long days and late at night. I think our latest practice went until 12:00am almost. Super tiring, but super fun and rewarding. Peforming alone was a completely different experience than performing together as a whole. It was super reassuring having others around you who had your back during the performance. Right now, as I’m posting this blog, we’re actually in the middle of the showcase and watching other groups perform their covers. Hopefully, by the time it ends I can grab a quick video of our performance and edit it into this blog a little later, so keep an eye out for any changes to this post an hour or two after I’ve posted this! If you are just seeing this post right now then it’s not too late! Come and check out our performance today at 5:30pm at the UCI Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway! Hope to see you there, and if not keep an eye out for our showcase next quarter! Byeeee 😉